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Human Diversity in Education Book Cover
Human Diversity in Education: An Integrative Approach, 4/e
Kenneth H. Cushner, Kent State University, Kent
Averil McClelland, Kent State University, Kent
Philip Safford, Case Western Reserve University

Culture and the Culture Learning Process

Reflective Questions


Look back at Webb and Sherman's definition of culture on page 38. Compare two different cultures or ethnic groups that you are familiar with in terms of the categories to which they refer. What categories are similar and which ones are different? How would you explain the differences and similarities?

Differentiate between objective culture and subjective culture. Can you provide two examples of each from the cultures or ethnic groups you identified in the first question?

Consider the twelve sources of knowledge described in the chapter. Complete an inventory on yourself. How might your inventory differ from one of your parents? Compare you inventory to that of a classmate. How are they similar? Different? How would you explain some of the differences?

How does the way your parents or community socialized you to understand your social class differ from the way the popular media does? How about your understanding of your gender? How about your understanding of sexual relations?