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Human Diversity in Education Book Cover
Human Diversity in Education: An Integrative Approach, 4/e
Kenneth H. Cushner, Kent State University, Kent
Averil McClelland, Kent State University, Kent
Philip Safford, Case Western Reserve University

Classrooms and Schools as Cultural Crossroads

Chapter Overview

In no other social setting in society does such a diverse gathering of people come together for a prolonged period of time than in the school. Thus, the potential for a wide range of intercultural interactions between students and teachers is great. This chapter introduces the eighteen-theme culture-general framework for understanding intercultural interactions between people, regardless of their cultural backgrounds, who they are interacting with, or the role that they adopt. Such a framework provides an opportunity for people to better understand their emotional reactions to intercultural situations, the knowledge base that people bring with them as a result of being socialized within any given culture, and the manner in which people's cultural identity may be reformed. Such a framework also provides a vocabulary and categories with which people can discuss cross-cultural issues with others.