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Internet Exercises
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  1. Describe current research in social cognition and the priorities for future research.
    The National Institute of Mental Health describes current research and future directions for research in social influence and social cognition.

  2. Describe the gender stereotypes you see in the media. How are women and men typically portrayed in terms of interests and occupations?
    This news release from the American Psychological Association describes research that examines the gender stereotypes present in Saturday morning cartoons.

  3. What causes the events in your life? See if you have an internal or external locus of control.
    This on-line locus of control quiz measures one aspect of your world view, that is, do you tend to think that the outcome of events in your life are due primarily to your own actions or abilities, or mainly due to outside forces?

  4. How can mental shortcuts and world beliefs contribute to misperceptions of our legal justice system?
    This provocative article argues that psychological research into legal matters has led to a false consensus concerning the American justice system.

  5. Describe counterfactual thinking. Give examples of times when you have engaged in counterfactual thinking. How does thinking about what may have been contribute to our conceptions of self?
    The counterfactual research news Web site explains the basics of counterfactual thinking and provides references to all recent research articles on this topic.

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