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Animation: Action Potential Propagation in an Unmyelinated Axon (Quiz 2)
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View the animation below, then complete the quiz to test your knowledge of the concept.

1An action potential...
A)causes the neuron cell membrane to become unable to alter its charge.
B)causes the outside of the neuron cell membrane to become positively charged in reference to the inside.
C)causes the inside of the neuron cell membrane to become positively charged in reference to the outside.
D)causes the inside of the neuron cell membrane to become negatively charged in reference to the outside.
E)causes the inside of the neuron cell membrane to become neutrally charged in reference to the outside.

2An action potential generates local currents that tend to _____ the membrane immediately adjacent to the action potential.

3Absolute refractory period causes...
A)action potential propagation to cease
B)action potential propagation to begin
C)action potential propagation to increase
D)action potential propagation to occur in both directions
E)action potential propagation to occur in one direction

4Action potentials can travel in both directions on the axon.

5Threshold is the minimum current required for the cell membrane to generate an action potential.

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Home > Chapter 11 > Animation: Action Potential Propagation in an Unmyelinated Axon (Quiz 2)