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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Explorations: An Introduction to Astronomy, 4/e

Tom Arny

ISBN: 0072509856
Copyright year: 2006

Table of Contents

The Cosmic Landscape
P.1 The Earth, Our Home
P.2 The Moon
P.3 The Planets
P.4 The Sun
P.5 The Solar System
P.6 A Sense of Scale
P.7 The Astronomical Unit
P.8 The Milky Way Galaxy
P.9 The Light-Year
P.10 Galaxy Clusters and the Universe
P.11 Gravity
P.12 Atoms and Other Forces
P.13 The Still-Unknown Universe
P.14 The Scientific Method

Part I - The Night Sky
Chapter 1 History of Astronomy
1.1 Prehistoric Astronomy
1.2 Early Ideas of the Heavens
1.3 Astronomy in the Renaissance
1.4 Isaac Newton and the Birth of Astrophysics
1.5 The Growth of Astrophysics

Part II - Atoms, Forces, Light, and How We Learn About the Universe
Chapter 2 Gravity and Motion
2.1 Solving the Problem of Astronomical Motion
2.2 Inertia
2.3 Orbital Motion and Gravity
2.4 Newton’s Second Law of Motion
2.5 The Law of Gravity
2.6 Newton’s Third Law of Motion
2.7 Measuring an Object’s Mass Using Orbital Motion
2.8 Surface Gravity
2.9 Escape Velocity

Chapter 3 Light and Atoms
3.1 Properties of Light
3.2 The Electromagnetic Spectrum: Beyond
3.3 Atoms
3.4 The Origin of Light
3.5 Formation of a Spectrum
3.6 The Doppler Shift: Detecting Motion
3.7 Absorption in the Atmosphere

Chapter 4 Telescopes
4.1 Telescopes
4.2 Interferometers
4.3 Observatories
4.4 Detecting the Light
4.5 Observing at Nonvisible Wavelengths
4.6 Observatories in Space
4.7 Going Observing
4.8 Computers

Part III - The Earth and Moon
Chapter 5 The Earth
5.1 The Earth as a Planet
5.2 The Earth’s Interior
5.3 The Age of the Earth
5.4 Motions in the Earth’s Interior
5.5 The Earth’s Atmosphere
5.6 The Earth’s Magnetic Field
5.7 Motions of the Earth

Chapter 6 The Moon
6.1 Description of the Moon
6.2 Structure of the Moon
6.3 Orbit and Motions of the Moon
6.4 Origin and History of the Moon
6.5 Eclipses
6.6 Tides
6.7 Moon Lore

Part IV - The Solar System
Chapter 7 Survey of the Solar System
7.1 Components of the Solar System
7.2 Origin of the Solar System
7.3 Other Planetary Systems

Chapter 8 The Terrestrial Planets
8.1 Portraits of the Terrestrial Planets
8.2 Mercury
8.3 Venus
8.4 Mars
8.5 Why Are the Terrestrial Planets So Different?
8.6 Update: Exploring Mars

Chapter 9 The Outer Planets
9.1 Jupitar
9.2 Saturn
9.3 Uranus
9.4 Neptune
9.5 Pluto

Chapter 10 Meteors, Asteroids, and Comets
10.1 Meteors, Meteoroids, and Meteorites
10.2 Astroids
10.3 Comets
10.4 Giant Impacts

Part V - Stars
Chapter 11 The Sun, Our Star
11.1 Size and Structure
11.2 How the Sun Works
11.3 Probing the Sun's Core
11.4 Solar Magnetic Activity
11.5 The Solar Cycle

Chapter 12 Measuring the Properties of Stars
12.1 Measuring a Star's Distance
12.2 Measuring the Properties of Stars from Their Light
12.3 Spectra of Stars
12.4 Binary Stars
12.5 Summary of Stellar Properties
12.6 The H-R Diagram
12.7 Variable Stars
12.8 Finding a Star's Distance by the Method of Standard Candles

Chapter 13 Stellar Evolution
13.1 The Evolution of a Star
13.2 Star Formation
13.3 Main-Sequence Stars
13.4 Giant Stars Leaving the Main Sequence
13.5 Yellow Giants and Pulsating Stars
13.6 Death of Stars Like the Sun
13.7 Old Age of Massive Stars
13.8 History of Stellar Evolution Theories
13.9 Testing Stellar Evolution Theory

Chapter 14 Stellar Remnants: White Dwarfs, Neutron Stars, and Black Holes
14.1 White Dwarfs
14.2 Neutron Stars
14.3 Black Holes

Part VI - The Milky Way and Other Galaxies
Chapter 15 The Milky Way Galaxy
15.1 Discovering the Milky Way
15.2 Overview of the Milky Way
15.3 Stars of the Milky Way
15.4 Gas and Dust in the Milky Way
15.5 Motion of Stars and Gas in the Milky Way
15.6 Measuring the Milky Way
15.7 The Galactic Center
15.8 Formation of the Milky Way

Chapter 16 Galaxies
16.1 Discovering Galaxies
16.2 Measuring the Properties of Galaxies
16.3 Dark Matter
16.4 Active Galaxies
16.5 Quasars as Probes of Intergalactic Space
16.6 Galaxy Clusters

Chapter 17 Cosmology
17.1 Observations of the Universe
17.2 Evolution of the Universe: Expansion Forever or Recollapse?
17.3 The Shape of the Universe
17.4 The Origin of the Universe
17.5 The Inflationary Universe

Answers to "Test Yourself"

Powers-of-Ten Notation
Some Useful Formulas
Solving Distance, Velocity, Time (D, V, t ) Problems
Table 1 Physical and Astronomical Constants
Table 2 Conversion Between American and Metric Units
Table 3 Physical Properties of the Planets
Table 4 Orbital Properties of the Planets
Table 5 Satellites of the Solar System
Table 6 Meteor Showers
Table 7 The Constellations
Table 8 The Brightest Stars
Table 9 The Nearest Stars
Table 10 Properties of Main-Sequence Stars
Table 11 Periodic Table of Elements


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