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factorial design  A design in which all levels of each independent variable are combined with all levels of the other independent variables. A factorial design allows investigation of the separate main effects and interactions of two or more independent variables.
interaction  The differing effect of one independent variable on the dependent variable, depending on the particular level of another independent variable.
iV 3 PV design  A factorial design that includes both an experimental independent variable (IV) and a nonexperimental participant variable (PV).
main effect  The direct effect of an independent variable on a dependent variable.
mixed factorial design  A design that includes both independent groups (between-subjects) and repeated measures (within-subjects) variables.
moderator variable  A variable that influences the nature of the relationship between two other variables (an independent variable and a dependent variable). In a factorial design, the effect of the moderator variable is revealed as an interaction.
simple main effect  In a factorial design, the effect of one independent variable at a particular level of another independent variable.

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