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Internet Exercises
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At the Saltwater Desalination site, choose "Environmental Impacts" and compare the costs associated with Reverse Osmosis and Multi-stage Flash Distillation. Which method would you choose to build a 10 MGD desalination plant at present, if petroleum costs were to rise? Why did you make these choices? What physical property of water makes desalination such an expensive process? What environmental side effects might be expected from each system?
One of the interesting properties of water is the fact that solid water is less dense than liquid water. Let’s explore the factors that influence the distribution of icebergs in the Northwest Atlantic using information from the United States Coast Guard International Ice Patrol site. Select the link called "Brief Description of Labrador and Gulf Stream Current Interaction in the North Atlantic." Read the text on this page to determine what current limits the southward drift of icebergs? How does the Grand Banks off Newfoundland affect the paths of icebergs in this region?

Use your browser's back button to return to USCG International Ice Patrol web site. Click on the link called: "IIP Iceberg Detection Procedures." What is the significance of the terms FLAR and SLAR to the detection of icebergs?

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