Hickman et al
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Animal Diversity, 4/e

Cleveland P. Hickman, Jr., Washington and Lee University
Larry S. Roberts, Florida International University
Susan L. Keen, University of California, Davis
Allan Larson, Washington University
David J. Eisenhour, Morehead State University

ISBN: 0072528443
Copyright year: 2007


Instructor’s Manual

The Instructor’s Manual provides a chapter outline, commentary and lesson plan, and a listing of resource references for each chapter. We trust that this material will be particularly helpful for first-time users of the text, although experienced teachers also may find much of value. The Instructor’s Manual is available on this text’s Online Learning Center.

Animal Diversity Laboratory Manual

The laboratory manual by Cleveland P. Hickman Jr. and Lee B. Kats, Laboratory Studies in Animal Diversity, is designed specifically for a survey course in zoology.

Life Science Animations

Difficult concepts like DNA replication, oxidation, and respiration can be learned through animation in this two CD-ROM set. This instructor tool provides 300 animations to present complex life science processes in a method that fosters easier learning and review.

Student Study Guide

The General Zoology Student Study Guide by Jane Aloi and Gina Erickson is a useful tool for student review and study. It provides self-testing, valuable study tips, and chapter summary activities, including critical thinking exercises.

Animal Diversity Online Learning Center

The Internet provides a new route for learning and studying. McGraw-Hill has designed a website to support the Zoology field of study. This Online Learning Center provides live links to related Internet sites that are described in Animal Diversity’s end-of-chapter pedagogy. In addition, you will find on-line quizzing, information about careers in Zoology, key terms flash cards, a cladistics laboratory, Zoology Essential Study Partner, and much more. You can find this site at Just click on the cover of Animal Diversity.

Digital Zoology

Digital Zoology Interactive CD-ROM by Jon Houseman is an interactive guide to the specimens and materials covered in zoology laboratory and lecture sessions. Laboratory modules contain illustrations, photographs, annotations of the major structures of organisms, interactive quizzes, and video clips. Interactive cladograms within lab modules provide links to interactive synapomorphies of the various animal groups. Key terms throughout the program link to an interactive glossary. This CD-ROM is the perfect student study tool to promote learning both in and outside of the zoology laboratory, and also comes with an accompanying student workbook and website to provide additional study tips, exercises, and phyla characteristics.

Biology Digitized Video Clips

McGraw-Hill is pleased to offer digitized biology video clips on DVD! Licensed from some of the highest-quality science video producers in the world, these brief segments range from about five seconds to just under three minutes in length and cover all areas of general biology from cells to ecosystems. Engaging and informative, McGraw-Hill’s digitized biology videos will help capture students’ interest while illustrating key biological concepts and processes. Topics include: mitosis, amoeba locomotion, rainforest diversity, Darwin’s finches, tarantula defense, nematodes, bird/water buffalo mutualism,poison dart frogs,echinoderms,and much more! ISBN-13: 978-0-07-312155-0 (ISBN-10: 0-07-312155-X)

Small Cover

To obtain an instructor login for this Online Learning Center, ask your local sales representative. If you're an instructor thinking about adopting this textbook, request a free copy for review.