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About the Authors
Book Preface
Feature Summary

Student Edition
Instructor Edition

Stephen J. Schmidt, Union College

ISBN: 0072535237
Copyright year: 2005

Feature Summary

Stephen J. Schmidt decided to write this econometrics textbook because he felt that it featured strengths not found in current texts on the market. These features include:
  • A Text for Economics students: Schmidt focuses on the importance of economics in motivating the problems and generating the equations to be estimated rather than on the statistical techniques. Chapters begin with an empirical economic problem that integrates economic ideas directly into the text presentation, making the material relevant to the student and directly relating it to economics. It presents the subject, not as a series of statistical techniques, but as a way of thinking about economic issues that students have confronted in introductory economics or other courses they have taken before taking econometrics.
  • Appropriate Level and Amount of Math: Schmidt is written at just the right level of rigor for undergraduates. It contains enough mathematics to be rigorous without so much mathematics as to be inaccessible, and combines the math with graphical and intuitive explanations of the results. Students will get the most out of the course by being challenged but not being overwhelmed.
  • Use of the Computer is Integrated Throughout the Text: Schmidt contains over 130 econometric exercises, plus computer-based simulation exercises that can be done either in or outside of class. The simulations allow students to see how estimation works when the data generating process is known, helping them understand what estimation does in the traditional exercises where the process is not known. The econometric problems do not stop when the student has calculated the estimated parameter value and tested its significance, but require the student to explain what the estimated value means in the context of the economic model which motivated the problem, and the economic conclusions the student can draw from the results.
  • Emphasis on the role of the economic model in econometric analysis: The importance of economic ideas for selecting models and data are covered at the beginning of the book in chapters 1 and 2, including the use of theory to distinguish real results from spurious correlations, and the problem of choosing data to avoid sample selection bias. This teaches students how to put econometric analysis to practical uses, in a way that does full justice to both statistics and economics.
  • Data Sets Re-applied: Some of the data sets are used in more than one problem in the Schmidt text, and some in more than one chapter. This reapplication of a data set lets students see how the techniques taught in the later chapters help them learn more from the data sets than they could learn with the simpler techniques in the earlier chapters.
  • Integrated one-chapter treatment of modern time-series methods including ARMA modeling, unit root tests, Granger causality, and vector autoregression. An undergraduate-level presentation of material essential for modern macroeconometrics, together with a discussion of why macroeconomists use these techniques. This integrated treatment permits students to grasp quickly the essentials of reading and of performing modern macroeconometrics.

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