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animatics  Rough video footage used in ad testing.
baseline  A quantifiable measure of the current situation (also called benchmark).
brand metrics  Measures of brand performance.
concept testing  Tests that measure the effectiveness of the rough ideas that become brand and campaign themes.
concurrent testing  Testing that tracks the performance of messages as they are run.
evaluative testing  Testing that measures the performance of brand messages against their objectives at the conclusion of the program.
focus group  A group of 8 to 12 members of a brand's target audience who, led by a moderator, discuss some aspect of a brand, product category, or message strategy.
gap analysis  An analysis of the difference between what customers expect from a brand (based on brand messages) and what they actually experience.
IMC audit  An in-depth research method for evaluating IMC relationship-building practices.
intercept survey  A survey in which people in a mall or at an event are stopped and asked to respond to a short questionnaire.
norms  Average product category scores accumulated over the years by the research company.
online focus group  A chat room to which selected people have been invited to meet at a specified time with a moderator.
relationship metrics  Output controls developed specifically for IMC programs to track the development of brand relationships.
scanner market test  A tracking of a household's purchases (also called single-source test).
tachistoscope  A device that exposes a brand message briefly to test participants so that researchers can measure how long it takes for a certain message or elements to be communicated.
test marketing  A research design in which an MC campaign is run in two to four markets for anywhere from 3 to 12 months.
theater test  A test in which people are invited to a local location for the purpose, they are told, of critiquing a TV program, but actually for the purpose of evaluating their response to a brand message.
tracking studies  Periodic trend surveys that measure brand awareness, trial, repeat, and customer satisfaction with a brand and its competitors.

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