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Goals and Objectives
(See related pages)

Know the steps in meiosis.
  • Explain what happens when a sex cell is made.
  • Define the terms haploid and dipolid.
  • Diagram the stages of meiosis.
  • Define the terms synapes, crossing-over, segregation, and independent assortment.
  • Explain the genetic advantage to sexual reproduction.
  • Explain how one person can make many different types of sex cells.
Know how meiosis occurs abnormally.
  • List two ways in which genetic abnormalities occur.
  • Define the terms nondisjunction, monosomy, and trisomy.
Understand how gametes are formed and unite at fertilization.
  • Explain why brothers and sisters of the same birthparents can be so different.
Understand the difference between meiosis and mitosis.
  • Explain the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction.

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