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Animation Quiz 1 - Replication Cycle of a Retrovirus
(See related pages)

Review the animation and answer the questions that follow to test your understanding.


Retroviruses have
A)one copy of single-stranded RNA
B)two copies of single-stranded RNA
C)one copy of double-stranded RNA
D)two copies of single-stranded DNA

The provirus state exists when
A)double-stranded viral DNA is integrated into host cell chromosome
B)single-stranded viral RNA is integrated into host cell chromosome
C)double-stranded viral RNA is integrated into host cell chromosome
D)single-stranded RNA is present as a plasmid in the host cell
E)double-stranded DNA is present as a plasmid in the host cell

If the DNA of the provirus is transcribed
A)several single mRNA strands are produced
B)a plasmid is made
C)the provirus detaches and becomes lytic
D)one long polygenic mRNA is produced

The polygenic mRNA codes for making one long polyprotein which is then cleaved into the separate individual virus proteins.

If the virus is present as a provirus in the host cell, it remains latent and never produces new virus.

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