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Animation Quiz 9 - Transduction (Generalized)
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Review the animation and answer the questions that follow to test your understanding.


A bacteriophage is a
A)bacterium that infects a virus
B)virus that infects a bacterium
C)particle made up of viral nucleic acid surrounded by bacterial protein
D)particle made up of bacterial nucleic acid surrounded by bacterial protein

When a bacteriophage carrying bacterial DNA infects a new bacterium
A)the recipient is usually killed
B)the recipient keeps the transferred DNA in storage but does not replicate it
C)it transfers bacterial DNA from the donor bacterium to the recipient bacterium
D)only viral DNA is transferred to the recipient bacterium

When a recipient bacterial cell receives bacterial DNA via transduction
A)the new DNA must enter a new bacteriophage or it is lost
B)the DNA is changed to match that of the recipient
C)the DNA is destroyed
D)the new DNA is replicated every time the recipient multiplies

A phage particle may carry pieces of bacterial DNA from one bacterium to another inside a viral protein coat.

Bacterial fragments from the donor bacterium may be integrated into the recipient bacterial chromosome.

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