¿Sabías que... ?
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
¿Sabías que... ?: Beginning Spanish, 4/e

Bill VanPatten, University of Illinois, Chicago
James F. Lee, Indiana University
Terry L. Ballman, California State University, Channel Islands

ISBN: 0072555866
Copyright year: 2004

What's New?

  • A brand-new design provides an up-to-date, contemporary look for the Fourth Edition.
  • A new two-page cultural feature called Vistazos culturales, which appears in each lesson, examines a particular topic (e.g., bilingualism, music and dance, food, and so on) from a variety of Hispanic cultural perspectives. Students explore each topic through maps, charts, photos, brief explanations, and follow-up activities that highlight similarities and differences throughout the Spanish-speaking world.
  • At the request of many reviewers, Unit 5 has been completely revised and now focuses on the themes of people, personalities, and expressing one's own personality.
  • Minor changes to the sequence of grammar provide a more evenly balanced coverage of structures within and across lessons.
  • New readings have been selected for each Vamos a ver section, thus keeping content current and of interest to today’s students.
  • New video segments, filmed on location in several Spanish-speaking countries, examine broad unit themes and include new interviews with Spanish speakers. The Los hispanos hablan testimonials sections from the Third Edition are also retained on the Fourth Edition video for convenient use in the classroom.
  • More Web-based activities (Navegando la Red) have been added throughout the main text.
  • The new online Workbook/Laboratory Manual is a unique and interactive practice tool to accompany ¿Sabías que... ? Carefully integrated with the textbook, this robust digital version of the print supplement is easy for students to use and great for instructors who want to manage students' coursework online.
  • A fully revised interactive CD-ROM contains activities and games that students can use to practice the grammar, vocabulary, and culture presented in each lesson of the main text.
  • This new Online Learning Center Website contains additional practice with the grammar and vocabulary presented in the main text as well as links to various Spanish-speaking websites where students can further explore the cultural themes of each lesson.
  • Finally, the activities and content have been revised to keep the text fresh and up-to-date for the many loyal users of its task-based approach.

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