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Análisis del teatro: partes integrantes
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Task 1. Define and Explain. The authors begin this section on page 239 by defining el drama and el teatro. They then expand on the concept of the dramatic text. Complete the definitions and explain in your own words the two reasons why the authors say that "el texto dramático es un texto doble."

El drama es
El teatro es
El texto dramático es un texto doble porque

Task 2. Scan and Highlight.

Scan the rest of this section, on page 239 of the text, and highlight the terminology that you think represents the integral parts of drama as an art form. Make a list of the terminology that you highlight.

Task 3. Compare. Now look at the following list of core terminology from this section. Did you highlight the same terms? Compare your list with the one below and add or delete when appropriate (your instructor may emphasize specific terms).

el drama el teatro el texto escrito
la representación el plano textual el plano espectacular
el texto principal el texto secundario el espacio escénico
el diálogo las acotaciones de escena personajes/decorados
los elementos literarios los elementos extraliterarios los sentimientos

Task 4. Complete Graphic Organizer. Use the list from Task 3 to complete the following graphic organizer based on the relationships that exist between the terms. Every term has a place in relationship to the other terms. Keep your graphic organizer at hand because you will be adding new information to it throughout this chapter.


<a onClick="'/olcweb/cgi/pluginpop.cgi?it=gif::::/sites/dl/free/0072558466/96840/ch03essay03.gif','popWin', 'width=649,height=484,resizable,scrollbars');" href="#"><img valign="absmiddle" height="16" width="16" border="0" src="/olcweb/styles/shared/linkicons/image.gif"> (4.0K)</a>

Note: In a previous task you explored the role of the dramatist. In the next section you will explore what the authors call el plano textual, which includes el diálogo, los personajes, el espectador, and las acotaciones de escena.

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