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Internet Connection Activity
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1. The Pulitzer Prize is the highest honor awarded the work of a journalist. Go to the Pulitzer Prize website ( Read at least one of the Pulitzer Prize winning stories from 1995 to 2003. You can find them by clicking Archive from the home page, selecting Read Winners, and then choosing a year from which to choose a story.

a. What was the story was about and what, in your opinion, makes it stand out as a great story? Or, on the other hand, explain why this story is nothing special.

b. What categories of stories are eligible for Pulitzer Prizes?

2. Take a printed copy of a newspaper and compare it to the online version. If you don't have a local paper that has a web presence, use USA TODAY.

a. Briefly explain the differences and similarities between the two. What does the print copy have that the online version doesn't? Be specific!

b. What does the online version have that you can't find in print?

c. Do you see advantages or disadvantages to either medium.

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