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sex  The distinction between male and female based on biological characteristics.
gender  The psychological experience of being male or female.
gender identity  One's view of oneself as male or female.
gender role  The behaviors consistent with being male or female in a given culture.
sexual orientation  The tendency to prefer romantic and sexual partners of the same or different sex.
androgynous  Having both typical feminine and masculine characteristics.
evolutionary theory of gender differences  The theory that gender differences are based on genes that resulted from different evolutionary pressures on ancestral women and men.
social-role theory of gender differences  The theory that the opportunities and restrictions inherent in women's and men's different social roles create psychological gender differences.
heterosexual  Romantically and sexually attracted to those of the different sex.
homosexual  Romantically and sexually attracted to those of the same sex, as distinguished from heterosexual.
uterus  The muscular structure that carries the fetus during pregnancy.
ovaries  Female endocrine glands that secrete sex-related hormones and produce ova, or eggs.
fallopian tubes  The tubes through which ova (eggs) reach the uterus.
cervix  The neck of the uterus that is connected to the vagina.
vulva  The external genital structures of the female.
mons  The fleshy mound that sits at the top of the vulva.
labia majora  The larger, outer lips of the vulva.
labia minora  The smaller, inner lips of the vulva.
clitoris  The structure at the upper part of the vagina that is most sensitive to sexual stimulation in females.
testes  Male endocrine glands that secrete sexrelated hormones and produce sperm cells.
epididymis  The structure that holds sperm cells until ejaculation.
vas deferens  The structure that carries sperm from the epididymis toward the outside of the body during ejaculation.
semen  The fluid that contains sperm cells.
prostate gland  One of the structures that produce fluid for semen.
seminal vesicle  One of the structures that produce fluid for semen.
penis  The tubular structure that becomes erect during sexual arousal and through which sperm is ejaculated.
scrotum  The loose skin sac that encloses the testes.
excitement phase  The first stage of the sexual response cycle, during which the penis becomes erect and the vagina lubricates.
plateau phase  High levels of sexual arousal and pleasure that are maintained for variable periods of time.
orgasm  The reflexive phase of the sexual response cycle accompanied by peak levels of arousal and pleasure and usually by ejaculation in males.
resolution phase  The stage in the sexual response cycle following orgasm when arousal and pleasure diminish.
refractory period  The period of time following orgasm during which males are incapable of sexual arousal.
atypical sexual behavior  Sexual practice that differs considerably from the norm.
transvestism  The practice of obtaining sexual pleasure by dressing in the clothes of the opposite sex.
transsexualism  A condition in which an individual feels trapped in the body of the wrong sex.
fetishism  The practice of obtaining sexual arousal primarily or exclusively from specific objects.
sexual sadism  The practice of obtaining sexual pleasure by inflicting pain on others.
sexual masochism  A condition in which receiving pain is sexually exciting.
voyeurism  The practice of obtaining sexual pleasure by watching members of the opposite sex undressing or engaging in sexual activities.
exhibitionism  The practice of obtaining sexual pleasure by exposing one's genitals to others.
rape  The act of forcing sexual activity on an unwilling person.
rape trauma syndrome  The effects of rape on the emotions, behavior, and well-being of many victims long after the rape has occurred.
incest  Sexual relations between relatives.
child rape  Sexual behavior with a child achieved by force or direct threat of force.
child molestation  Sexual behavior with a child without force or direct threat of force.
pedophilia  The practice of obtaining pleasure from sexual contact with children.
sexual harassment  Unwanted sexual advances, comments, or any other form of coercive sexual behavior by others.
sexual dysfunction  An inability to engage successfully or comfortably in normal sexual activities.
inhibited sexual desire  A condition in which a person desires sex rarely or not at all.
sexual aversion disorder  A condition in which a person fearfully avoids sexual behavior.
female sexual arousal disorder  A condition in which sexual arousal does not occur in appropriate circumstances in a female.
vaginismus  A female sexual dysfunction in which the individual experiences involuntary contractions of the vaginal walls, making the vagina too narrow to allow the penis to enter comfortably.
dyspareunia  A sexual dysfunction in which the individual experiences pain during intercourse.
male sexual arousal disorders  Conditions in which sexual arousal does not occur in appropriate circumstances in a male.
erectile dysfunction  A condition in which the penis does not become erect enough for intercourse under sexually arousing circumstances.
inhibited female orgasm  A female sexual dysfunction in which the individual is unable to experience orgasm.
premature ejaculation  A male sexual dysfunction in which the individual reaches orgasm and ejaculates sperm too early.
retarded ejaculation  A condition in which a male does not ejaculate despite adequate sexual stimulation.
sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)  Physical diseases, such as syphilis and AIDS, that are transmitted through sexual contact.
syphilis  A sexually transmitted disease caused by spirochete bacteria.
acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)  A viral disease spread by blood and other body fluids that eventually destroys the body's immune system.

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