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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The chapter gives four characteristics of good delivery. Which of these is correctly explained?
A)Immediacy occurs when the speaker is focused on the occasion.
B)Attentiveness means paying attention to nonverbal feedback from the audience.
C)Directness means talking casually in a tone that the audience will understand.
D)Conversational quality involves using appropriate vocabulary and slang that is relevant to that audience.

Several suggestions for achieving attentiveness are given. Which of the following is NOT one of them?
A)Always talk to the people in the back row since their attention is harder to hold.
B)Individualize the audience members.
C)Focus on the audience rather than yourself.
D)Pick a topic that is important to you.

The method of speech delivery which is the most spontaneous is
A)speaking from a manuscript.
B)speaking from memory.
C)impromptu speaking.
D)extemporaneous speaking.

A presidential address or diplomatic speech would most likely take the form of a
A)memorized speech.
B)manuscript speech.
C)extemporaneous speech.
D)impromptu speech.

Which of the following is NOT a problem with a manuscript speech?
A)It takes a long time to prepare and write.
B)It is hard for inexperienced speakers to sound natural with this delivery.
C)It is easy to panic.
D)It is difficult to respond to feedback.

For the beginning speaker the best method of delivery is the
A)memorized speech.
B)extemporaneous speech.
C)manuscript speech.
D)impromptu speech.

Which of the following factors contributing to how you look has the most variation across cultures?
B)eye contact
C)body language
D)facial expression

What advice is given concerning facial expressions?
A)They are less of a concern than body language.
B)They are more of a concern than gestures.
C)Use a mirror or videotape to judge their effectiveness.
D)Try to coordinate them with your speech.

Which of these is NOT an aspect of sound mentioned in the chapter?

What is the correct definition of enunciation?
A)It refers to making a dramatic pause to emphasize material.
B)It involves articulation and pronunciation.
C)It involves the ability to pronounce sounds in a word correctly.
D)It refers to a change of pitch used to emphasize certain words.

Which of these is NOT a kind of articulation problem?
A)speaking in a monotone
B)sound substitutions
C)omission of sounds

Which of the following is NOT a good reason for using visual support?
A)It helps hold the attention of the audience.
B)It fills up the time when you don't have enough supporting material.
C)It provides visual information.
D)It helps the audience remember information.

Which of the following comments does NOT properly elaborate on various types of visual support?
A)A poster, diagram, and organizational chart could have words, pictures or both.
B)An actual object is almost always preferable to a model.
C)The chalkboard is the most accessible visual support.
D)Tables are columns of figures arranged to reveal certain information.

What type of visual support would be best to show the trend of increasing participation in chat rooms over time?
A)a table
B)a line graph
C)a pie chart
D)a flip chart

Which of the following statements does NOT contain cautionary advice given by the author to speakers using computer-generated visual support?
A)The text on slides should be readable.
B)Several software packages should be tested before deciding on the most appropriate one.
C)The software package should not be overused.
D)The visuals are intended to enhance, not replace, the speech.

Which of the following rules for using visual support is the least helpful?
A)Talk to the audience, not the visual.
B)Practice the speech with the visual.
C)Show the visual only when you are ready for it.
D)Avoid too much variety in visuals so that the audience is not confused.

Speech anxiety
A)produces physiological reactions.
B)is less common among high school students than college students.
C)can be easily detected by audience members.
D)is described by all of the above statements.

Which of the following is NOT a strategy to reduce speech anxiety that is suggested in this chapter?
A)When you recognize that the anxiety is increasing, tell an anecdote or use visual support.
B)Practice positive self-talk.
C)Take several deep breaths on your way to the front of the room.
D)Ask to speak first or second.

As part of final preparation for a speech, Hybels recommends
A)making both a full-sentence and a key-word outline.
B)using the full-sentence outline to rehearse and the key-word outline in class.
C)putting both outlines on index cards.
D)putting the introduction and conclusion only on index cards.

During a first tryout session you should
A)deliver the speech without stopping, in order to check your time.
B)mentally say the words.
C)stop and correct rough areas or add transitions.
D)do each of these things.

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