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Multiple Choice Quiz
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In cooperative learning, teachers have responsibility for ________.
A)acquiring sufficient resource materials
B)determining group composition
C)facilitating appropriate seating arrangements
D)all of the above

One reason that cooperative learning is important is that ________.
A)it allows students more control over time
B)it is congruent with democratic values
C)it reduces the need for teachers to manage student behavior
D)it allows individuals to set their own learning goals

Which of the following is not an outcome of cooperative learning?
A)Academic achievement.
B)Individualistic self-reliance.
C)Social skills.
D)Acceptance of diversity.

Mr. Sanchez’s students are working alone to master a particular math operation. Students complete worksheets and take tests at their own level. They move to the next level whenever they are ready. The first five students to advance more than three levels in a month earn a prize. This is an example of ________.
A)a competitive goal structure and a competitive reward structure
B)an individualistic goal structure and an individualistic reward structure
C)an individualistic goal structure and a competitive reward structure
D)a cooperative goal structure and a competitive reward structure

In Ms. James’ class, teams of students study their spelling words together each day. After they practice the words, they work together to complete a related assignment. At the end of the week, Ms. James gives each student a quiz on the words, and the team whose score improves the most earns a prize. This is an example of the use of ________.
A)cooperative goal and reward structures
B)cooperative task and competitive reward structures
C)individualistic goal, cooperative task, and cooperative reward structures
D)the Jigsaw approach to cooperative learning

Mr. Cox has decided to use cooperative learning for a six-week unit on earth science. There are 26 students in his ninth-grade class, 16 boys and 10 girls. The class includes equal numbers of white and African-American students. About half the students are near grade level, 5 are special-education students who are somewhat below grade level, and 9 students are well above grade level. All of the children get along well together except Brian and James, who have been suspended for fighting twice this year. How will Mr. Cox likely go about forming cooperative learning groups?
A)Form heterogeneous groups balanced on race and ability, making sure that every group includes a girl, and place Brian and James in the same group.
B)Form heterogeneous groups balanced on ability, race, and gender. Put Brian and James in different groups.
C)Form homogeneous groups based on ability, putting Brian and James in different groups.
D)Form heterogeneous groups based on gender and race, separating Brian and James, and keeping the students who will need the most assistance in one group so that the resource teacher can assist them more effectively.

As Mr. Cox’s groups begin working on their earth science activities, he circulates among the groups, monitoring their interactions and answering questions. This is ________.
A)appropriate because teachers are always responsible for facilitating learning
B)inappropriate in cooperative learning
C)appropriate as long as he has time
D)not a practice that can be evaluated without more information

Mrs. Pietrowski finds think-pair-share difficult to use. She says that by the time her students think alone, partner, and each pair shares their ideas to the whole class, the students are bored with the material. What might she be doing wrong?
A)She may be giving the students too much material at a time.
B)Each pair doesn’t have to share to the whole class.
C)The pair reports need to be shorter.
D)Each step may need tighter time limits to keep the pace brisk.

The seventh-grade teachers have begun to use cooperative learning. The teachers find that they need to remind students of deadlines, review directions, and monitor students’ progress. What should the teachers do?
A)Continue these reminders; such teacher behaviors are necessary in cooperative learning.
B)Have a discussion with the teams about this concern, and make each team fully responsible for these reminders.
C)Ask each team to name a team manager who will meet with the teacher to review expectations and then be in charge of all team reminders and clarifications.
D)Continue these reminders for a few days, but gradually phase them out as the children become more familiar with cooperative learning.

Which of the following is one of the steps in STAD?
A)Students identify topics to investigate.
B)Students learn facts in expert groups.
C)Teacher assigns group presentations.
D)Teacher recognizes individual and group effort.

Mr. Marshall is concerned about his eighth-graders’ performance in Jigsaw. Some home groups consistently do very well, while others fail to learn essential information. He believes that some students, especially the lower achievers, have difficulty presenting their material well. How might he address this concern?
A)Provide each expert group with study guides to help them identify key information.
B)Develop some additional roles in the home groups so students who have trouble presenting material effectively can play other roles.
C)Form a teacher-led expert group and assign slower students who have trouble presenting material to that group.
D)Have each home group present to the whole class so all students have the same opportunities to learn the material.

Which of the following topics is not appropriate for STAD?
A)Learning the symbols for the chemical elements.
B)Learning spelling words.
C)Creating a tableau to represent a piece of literature.
D)Solving word problems.

Miss Elsnore recently formed cooperative learning teams and allowed her senior English students to choose the other students with whom they wished to work. Under what circumstances is this an appropriate way to form cooperative learning teams?
A)It is never appropriate because heterogeneous teams are a basic tenet of cooperative learning.
B)This is one of the appropriate ways to form teams in the Group Investigation approach to cooperative learning.
C)This is not appropriate because older students will choose to work with only their friends.
D)More information is required to answer this question.

When he uses Jigsaw in his social studies classes, Mr. Almumbo gives three grades: a quiz grade that assesses individual knowledge of the material, an individual grade for contribution to the group, and a group grade that reflects the group’s accomplishments. Is his grading congruent with the tenets of cooperative learning?
A)No, the grading system penalizes students if their teammates do not perform well.
B)Yes, the grades reflect a balanced assessment of individual and group achievement.
C)Yes, the grades will reward motivated students who exhibit independence.
D)No, the grading system overemphasizes individual accountability.

A high school math teacher has divided his students into teams to review the material from the last chapter. Each student has been assigned a number. When the teacher asks a review question, all the students assigned the same number quickly get together in an expert group to share information. Then he calls on a team and they share the information their expert brought back. This strategy is called ________.
B)Group Investigation
C)Numbered heads together
D)None of the above

Which of the following are ways team achievements can be recognized?
A)Displaying group work in the halls.
B)Publishing teams’ names in a class newsletter.
C)Giving certificates to team members.
D)All of the above.

Although there is a strong empirical base supporting the use of cooperative learning, some educators believe ________ students do not benefit from this type of instruction.

Ms. Lebowitz institutes a rule in her group discussions that the students really enjoy. Each student is given three tokens that are worth 15 seconds of talk time. When the tokens are gone, the student is no longer able to participate in the discussion. She most likely instituted this rule to control ________.
A)noise levels
B)the amount of time that dominant students take up in such activities
C)the lack of participation of quiet or shy students
D)both B and C

Mr. Shay is planning a cooperative learning lesson about slavery, a topic he feels will be complex for his eleventh-grade students. Which of the following approaches to cooperative learning is likely the most appropriate for a study of this complex subject?
C)Group Investigation
D)Structural approach

Which is the most appropriate seating arrangement for a cooperative learning lesson?
A)Cluster seating.
B)Row and column seating.
C)U-shaped seating.
D)Circle seating.

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