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Multiple Choice Quiz
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First-year teachers typically describe classroom management problems as ________.
A)very easy to deal with
B)moderately easy to deal with
C)very difficult to deal with
D)none of the above, as feelings are quite mixed in this regard

What is usually meant by the term "preventive management?"
A)Managing the leadership aspect of a teacher's job.
B)Managing student discipline quickly and efficiently.
C)Managing classrooms through good planning and effective teaching.
D)None of the above.

A teacher who manages the classroom from an ecological perspective would most likely ________.
A)plan numerous activities that cater to individual student interest
B)plan and orchestrate group activities very carefully
C)stop a lesson as often as needed to ensure that disruptions are handled strictly
D)attempt to find the underlying causes of a student's misbehavior

In the middle of a lecture, Mrs. Landers notices a student passing a note to her friend. As she answers a question, she works her way over to the recipient of the note, leans down, inconspicuously takes the note and continues to lecture. Kounin calls this behavior ________.

The term that describes teachers' abilities to spot sources of deviant behavior right away, as though they have "eyes in the back of their head," is called ________.

The term used to describe the "absence of behaviors that slow down lessons" is called ________.

Which of the following would an effective teacher who is concerned about good classroom management be least likely to use?
A)Have specific procedures that govern talk, movement, and participation.
B)Handle student misbehavior after class to avoid lesson disruptions.
C)Have very clear work requirements for students.
D)Give clear presentations and explanations regarding work.

Students in Mr. Kelly's freshman keyboarding class know that if they finish their first technique exercise before the rest of the class finishes, they are to remain seated and begin practicing the next lesson. Mr. Kelly has successfully established rules and procedures governing ________.
A)student talking
C)student movement
D)all of the above

Dangles, flip-flops, fragmentation, and overdwelling are all ________.
A)terms used to describe ways that teachers can slow down a lesson's smoothness
B)terms used to describe ways that students can slow down a lesson's smoothness
C)types of questions asked by teachers to ensure lesson smoothness
D)types of questions asked by students to disrupt lesson smoothness

Greeting students at the door, writing instructions on the board so that students can get right to work, cueing, using signal systems, and establishing procedures for routine activities are all ways that teachers can help plan and manage ________.
A)transitional class times
B)opening and closing class times
C)downtime in the class
D)all of the above

Regardless of careful planning and a teacher's overall effectiveness as a manager, some students in every classroom are bound to be disruptive. Effective teachers should ________.
A)spend as much time as possible to determine the underlying cause of the behavior
B)focus on the misbehavior itself and find ways to change it quickly and precisely
C)isolate these students so their misbehavior is not rewarded
D)place these students with better-behaved students to encourage peer influence

"Stop that!"; "You should not do that!"; "Please don't do that!"; "I absolutely will not tolerate that from you!" Which of the following statements does not describe these expressions?
A)All of these statements represent desist behaviors.
B)All of these statements are rough desists.
C)All of these statements deal with student misbehavior.
D)All of these statements are passive desists.

Mr. Jonas' students are working very well together in groups on a cooperative project. The bell will ring in five minutes. How could Mr. Valdez best use cuing to let the students know that they need to wrap things up?
A)Loudly tell the students to get back to their seats.
B)Ring a bell softly alerting students of the time.
C)Tell one student in each group to alert the others that class is about to end.
D)All of the above.

The reinforcer most readily available to teachers is ________.

Which is the best example of effective praise?
A)"Billy, you got an A! This is your lucky day!"
B)"Billy, you got an A! You beat everyone else in the class!"
C)"Billy, you got an A! You get to pick a prize!"
D)"Billy, you got an A! This was a very difficult test!"

Ms. Shay's fourth-graders know that if they do something wrong they will have to write "I will follow school rules" 100 times during recess. Three students are being punished in this manner today: Jay for poking a classmate, Amy for talking during a lesson, and Ed for not completing his homework. According to Dreikurs, Mrs. Shay should consider ________.
A)using more logical consequences as part of her discipline approach
B)using after-school time for the punishment, as this has been shown to be more effective
C)using a more imaginative approach to discipline
D)abandoning this approach, as rote writing discipline has been shown to be ineffective

David is a first-grader who is talking out of place. A teacher using the assertive discipline approach to behavior management would most likely respond to student misbehavior by saying:
A)"Why are you doing that?"
B)"Think about what you are doing."
C)"Stop now or you will face the consequences."
D)"David, stop talking immediately."

Classroom meetings are an approach to classroom management whereby the teacher holds regular meetings for the purpose of helping students to identify and resolve problem situations. According to Glasser, when meetings are first implemented, they should be ________.
A)very loosely structured
B)run by students
C)tightly structured
D)both A and B

Sandrine MacBryde asks her students to work on a crossword puzzle that requires recall of factual material recently presented. As she hands out the puzzle, she remembers that several of the questions involve material that she did not talk about. She goes to the board and quickly teaches the missing material and then goes back to passing out the remaining puzzles. Kounin labels this teacher behavior as a(n) ________.

Georgia Hostas has 25 minutes left in her science class. She decides that she has enough time to have the students begin an experiment that she was planning to do the next day. About 15 minutes into the activity, she realizes that they will never finish on time, and asks students to wrap it up. Kounin would describe this behavior as a(n) ________.

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