Que te parece
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
¿Qué te parece?: Intermediate Spanish, 3/e

James F. Lee, Indiana University
Dolly Jesusita Young, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Rodney Bransdorfer, Central Washington University
Darlene F. Wolf, Late, University of Alabama

ISBN: 0072818328
Copyright year: 2005

Proven Features

  • ¿Qué te parece? is highly innovative yet extremely practical in its task-based approach. Rather than asking students to do activities that are contrived or have no context, ¿Qué te parece? asks students to use their Spanish to complete specific – and practical – goals or tasks. The benefit to this approach is that students stay engaged in the activities and derive a greater sense of accomplishment and purpose from them.
  • The text and workbook together offer a well-rounded package. The text is largely suited to in-class communicative activities, while the workbook offers out-of-class language practice with more focused drill and practice.
  • The grammar in ¿Qué te parece? consistently throughout the text touches upon first-year grammar topics, then expands upon a given point as appropriate.
  • ¿Qué te parece? is organized into six thematic units of two lessons each: Communication and culture; religion and popular beliefs; the environment; the media and globalization; human rights, liberty, the church and state, sexism, racism, and censorship; and cultural perspectives and images. Through this diversity of topics, students receive a wide range of perspectives of the world in which they live. This real-world approach fosters critical thinking as well as an opportunity to discuss and share ideas as students delve deeper into the Spanish-speaking world.
  • A Galería de arte section opens every unit to promote discussion and artistic appreciation of fine art.
  • Each Ideas para explorar section opens with a set of questions relevant to the themes of the activities in the section.

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