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Review Quiz 4
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The following is a review quiz for objective 8-4.

Which of the following types of claims can you perform Conversion on and end up with a logically equivalent claim?
A)E and I
B)A, E, I, and O
C)A and E
D)I and O
Which of the following is the best description of how to perform the operation of Obversion?
A)Switch the position of the subject term and the predicate term.
B)Switch the position of the subject and predicate terms and then replace both terms with their compliments.
C)Change the claim from affirmative to negative (or from negative to affirmative) and then replace the predicate term with its compliment.
Which of the following types of claims can you perform Obversion on and end up with a logically equivalent claim?
A)A and E
B)I and O
C)E and I
D)A, E, I, and O
Which of the following is the best description of how to perform the operation of Contraposition?
A)Change the claim from affirmative to negative (or from negative to affirmative) and then replace the predicate term with its compliment.
B)Switch the position of the subject and predicate terms and then replace both terms with their compliments.
C)Switch the position of the subject term and the predicate term.
Which of the following types of claims can you perform Contraposition on and end up with a logically equivalent claim?
A)E and I
B)A, E, I, and O
C)A and O
D)I and O

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