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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Middle age
A)is not only a time of decline and loss, but also one of growth.
B)is a universal concept seen in most societies around the world.
C)is a relatively stable period with little change until the onset of old age.
D)is a shrinking subset of the United States population.

With respect to physical changes in the middle adult years, research supports which saying?
A)"For each age is a dream that is dying"
B)"Use it or lose it"
C)"Age, I do abhor thee"
D)"My age is as a lusty winter, frosty by kindly."

Hearing loss in middle age
A)proceeds twice as quickly in women as in men.
B)affects the pitch range involved in speech.
C)could often be reduced by avoiding loud concerts or earphones, and by wearing hearing protectors.
D)affects at least half of people aged 45 to 64.

Which of the following is not correct concerning motor skills of middle aged adults?
A)Middle aged adults are better drivers than younger adults.
B)Sixty-year-old typists are as efficient as twenty-year-old typists.
C)Middle aged workers are less likely than younger workers to suffer disability injuries on the job.
D)When a manual, rather than a vocal, response is called for, reaction time is similar for both young an middle aged adults.

Cross-cultural research on menopause suggests that
A)most societies see menopause as an illness.
B)symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats are universal.
C)in many cultures, women view menopause positively.
D)declining levels of estrogen in menopausal women result in diminished sexual desire.

Although sexual activity generally diminishes only slightly and gradually during middle age, the primary reasons for the decline include all of the following except
A)monotony in a relationship.
B)reduced sperm count.
C)lack of a partner.
D)chronic disease or use of medications.

Which of the following is a risk factor for coronary heart disease, stroke, lung cancer, colorectal cancer, osteoporosis, AND osteoarthritis?
A)cigarette smoking
B)alcohol abuse
C)being overweight
D)exposure to toxins

Which of the following statements concerning hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is not correct?
A)HRT relieves hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness.
B)Estrogen, used either alone or with progestin, reduces the risk of heart disease.
C)HRT increases the risk of stroke, gall bladder disease, breast cancer, and blood clots.
D)Lifestyle changes, such as losing weight and stopping smoking, may be better options than HRT for reducing the risk of heart attack, stroke, and other postmenopausal problems.

Research on stress has found all of the following except
A)intense or prolonged stress seems to weaken the immune system and increase susceptibility to illness.
B)lifestyle factors, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, exercise, nutrition, and social support all have an impact on health.
C)negative life changes have a negative effect on health, while positive changes have a positive effect.
D)while some research suggests that stress is a risk factor for heart disease, other research finds that men with more stress were less likely to have heart disease.

Which of the following individuals would be expected to have the most difficult time coping with unemployment?
A)Joe, who feels his unemployment status is outside his control
B)Jim, who feels he has control over his employment status
C)Jerry, who has an understanding family
D)Jack, who hated his job

Schaie's research on cognitive aging found
A)universal patterns of age-related changes for all intellectual abilities tested.
B)inductive reasoning, spatial orientation, vocabulary, and verbal memory all peak about half way through middle adulthood.
C)men's perceptual speed declines faster than women's.
D)successive generations scored about the same as previous generations on reasoning, spatial orientation, and verbal ability.

Damon and Colby's research on moral leadership found all of the following similar characteristics among their "moral exemplars" except
A)a lifelong commitment to change.
B)they enjoyed life and were able to make the best f a bad situation.
C)they all scored at the postconventional level on Kohlberg's measure of moral judgment.
D)they did what they believed needed to be done without calculating personal consequences.

Based on the developmental research, who would be expected to be most productive at age 50?
A)Maya, a poet
B)Richard, a research psychologist
C)Philip, a theoretical physicist
D)Sancho, a philosopher

The Seattle Longitudinal study suggests that a way to remain mentally sharp as we age is to
A)seek out stimulating opportunities.
B)continue working.
C)retire early.
D)change jobs often.

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