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Guideposts for Study
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Chapter 18: Psychosocial Development in Late Adulthood
Guidepost 1: What happens to personality in old age?
Guidepost 2: What special issues or tasks do older people need to deal with?
Guidepost 3: How do older adults cope?
Guidepost 4: Is there such a thing as successful aging? If so, how can it be defined and measured?
Guidepost 5: What are some issues regarding work and retirement in late life, and how do older adults handle time and money?
Guidepost 6: What options for living arrangements do older adults have?
Guidepost 7: How do personal relationships change in old age, and what is their effect on well-being?
Guidepost 8: What are the characteristics of long-term marriages in late life, and what impact do divorce, remarriage, and widowhood have at this time?
Guidepost 9: How do unmarried older people and those in gay and lesbian relationships fare?
Guidepost 10: How does friendship change in old age?
Guidepost 11: How do older adults get along with - or without - grown children and with siblings, and how do they readjust to great-grandparenthood?

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