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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Compared to early childhood, growth during middle childhood
A)slows considerably.
B)slows moderately.
C)stays about the same.
D)accelerates moderately.

Research on malnutrition in childhood has found all of the following except
A)approximately 27% of children worldwide suffer form malnutrition.
B)in 1998, 20% of children in the United States suffered from malnutrition.
C)malnutrition is a risk factor for poor academic performance and psychosocial problems.
D)supplementing children's poor diets with calcium and vitamin C has been effective in overcoming problems associated with malnutrition.

Annie, a normal 7-year-old, would be expected to do well at all of the following activities except
A)throwing a small ball about 70 feet.
B)close her eyes and balance on one foot.
C)play "hopscotch," a game that requires hopping and jumping accurately into small squares.
D)walk on 2-inch wide balance beams without losing her balance.

All of the following are risk factors for asthma, the number one cause of childhood disability, except
A)tobacco smoke in the home.
B)use of electric stoves to heat the home.
C)allergies to household pets.
D)living in a single parent family.

As a concrete operational thinker, something Staci can do now that she couldn't do as a preoperational thinker is
A)search for and find hidden objects.
B)understand that roses are a subclass of the category "flowers."
C)understand that other people have feelings that may be different from her own.
D)use symbolic thought.

Dr. Rodrgiuez shows Javier two glasses that are filled with the same amount of water. Then Dr. Rodriguez pours the water from one glass into another glass that is taller and thinner. Javier knows that both glasses contain the same amount of water because he can focus on both the height and the width of the glasses. Javier is using what component of conservation?
D)inductive reasoning

Piaget understood that children do not grasp all of the different conservation tasks at one time, with certain tasks, like conservation of substance, typically coming before other, like conservation of volume. Piaget's term for this inconsistency in development is
A)horizontal décalage.

While helping his mother with dishes after dinner, Danny slips and drops six dishes that all break. Sidney was angry with his mother, so he purposely smashed a dish on the floor. According to Piaget, a 5-year-old child would think
A)Danny is naughtier than Sidney because he broke more dishes.
B)Sidney is naughtier than Danny because he intended to break the dish.
C)both boys are equally naughty.
D)which boy is naughtier would depend on how their mothers feel about the broken dishes.

When she was studying her history lesson, Rebecca related what she was reading to stories she heard from her parents and grandparents about when their ancestors had come to the United States. Rebecca is using which memory strategy?
A)an external memory aid

Which of the following is a major criticism of the IQ tests that are widely used in the United States, such as the WISC-III?
A)IQ tests are not reliable measures of intelligence.
B)IQ tests are not good predictors of academic performance.
C)IQ tests have poor ability to predict such life issues as length of life, functional independence later in life, and presence or absence of dementia.
D)IQ tests equate intelligence with speed and penalize children who work slowly and deliberately.

When selling a variety of souvenir items with different prices on the street, Paolo quickly figures how much the tourists owe him and he always gives correct change. However, given the same calculations in school, he has a difficult time working them out. According to Sternberg, what component of intelligence is Paolo's strength, and which one is his weakness?
A)componential; experiential
B)experiential; componential
C)contextual; componential
D)experiential; contextual

Research suggests the best method for teaching reading is
A)the phonetic approach.
B)the whole language approach.
C)a blend between the phonetic and whole language approaches.
D)a natural immersion approach.

Research evaluating second-language education would predict that which child would have the most successful educational experience?
A)Eduardo, whose school uses dual language learning.
B)Carlos, whose school uses an English-immersion approach.
C)Nardo, whose school uses bi-lingual education programs.
D)Humberto, who went through a separate English immersion program before entering school.

Amanda and Richard Starsky want to foster their children's creativity. Which of the following would not help them achieve that goal?
A)offer their children the opportunity to choose the tasks they want to perform and how to do those tasks.
B)provide experiences that are cognitively and perceptually stimulating.
C)expose their children to creative people who can serve as role models and mentors.
D)provide consistent opportunities for the children's work to be evaluated.

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