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Modern Sociological Theory, 6/e
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Exchange, Network, and Rational Choice Theories
Modern Sociological Theory

Learning Objectives


explain the interrelationship between exchange theory, network theory, network exchange theory, and rational choice theory;


identify the concepts that underlie the theories discussed in this chapter;


discuss George Homans and his contributions to exchange theory;


discuss Peter Blau and the ways in which he enriched and altered exchange theory;


discuss Richard Emerson and identify his unique contributions to exchange theory;


explain the role of power and dependence in exchange theory;


identify and discuss the major theorist associated with network theory;


discuss the motivation between network exchange theory and its premises;


explain the role of strong and weak structures and actors in network exchange theory;


identify and discuss the underlying tenets of rational choice theory;


discuss the importance of James Coleman to rational choice in sociology;


explain the major propositions of rational choice theory and its stance towards other sociological theories;


discuss the ways the theories covered in the chapter deal with links between the various levels of analysis: micro-micro, micro-macro, macro-macro, macro-micro; and


identify the major criticisms of rational choice theory.