Organic Chemistry
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Organic Chemistry, 6/e

Francis Carey, University of Virginia, Charlottesville

ISBN: 0072828374
Copyright year: 2006

Book Preface



The central message of chemistry is that the properties of a substance come from its structure. What is less obvious, but very powerful, is the corollary. Someone with training in chemistry can look at the structure of a substance and tell you a lot about its properties. Organic chemistry has always been, and continues to be, the branch of chemistry that best connects structure with properties. Our objective has been to emphasize the connection between structure and properties, using the tools best suited to make that connection.

Functional Group Organization

One tool is organizational. The time-honored functional group approach focuses attention on the structural units within a molecule that are most closely identified with its properties. The text is organized according to functional groups, but emphasizes mechanisms and encourages students to see similarities in mechanisms among different functional groups.

Visualizing Organic Chemistry

Another tool relates to presentation. We decided to emphasize molecular modeling in the third edition, expanded its usefulness by adding Spartan electrostatic potential maps in the fourth, and continue this trend in the sixth. Molecular models, and the software to make their own models, not only make organic chemistry more accessible to students who are “visual learners,” they enrich the educational experience for all.


From the first edition through this, its sixth, Organic Chemistry has been designed to meet the needs of the “mainstream,” two-semester undergraduate organic chemistry course. From the beginning and with each new edition, we have remained grounded in some fundamental notions. These include important issues concerning the intended audience. Is the topic appropriate for them with respect to their interests, aspirations, and experience? Just as important is the need to present an accurate picture of the present state of organic chemistry. How do we know what we know? What makes organic chemistry worth knowing? Where are we now? Where are we headed?


Text development today involves an ever-growing number of people, as instructors from across the country are continually invited to share their knowledge and experience with us through reviews and focus groups. All of the feedback we have received has shaped this edition, resulting in a new chapter, reorganization of existing content, and expanded coverage in key areas. This text has continued to evolve as a result of feedback from instructors actually teaching organic chemistry in the classroom. They have told us time and time again that current and accurate content, a clear writing style with concise explanations, quality illustrations, and dynamic presentation materials are the most important factors they consider when evaluating textbooks. We have let those criteria guide our revision of the text and our development of its ancillary resources.

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