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The Origin and Chemistry of Life

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Spontaneous Generation of Life?

From ancient times, people commonly thought that life arose repeatedly by spontaneous generation from nonliving material in addition to parental reproduction. For example, frogs appeared to arise from damp earth, mice from putrefied matter, insects from dew, and maggots from decaying meat. Warmth, moisture, sunlight, and even starlight often were mentioned as factors that encouraged spontaneous generation of living organisms.

Among the efforts to synthesize organisms in the laboratory is a recipe for making mice, given by the Belgian plant nutritionist Jean Baptiste van Helmont (1648). “If you press a piece of underwear soiled with sweat together with some wheat in an open jar, after about 21 days the odor changes and the ferment . . . changes the wheat into mice. But what is more remarkable is that the mice which came out of the wheat and underwear were not small mice, not even miniature adults or aborted mice, but adult mice emerge!”

In 1861, the great French scientist Louis Pasteur convinced scientists that living organisms cannot arise spontaneously from nonliving matter. In his famous experiments, Pasteur introduced fermentable material into a flask with a long S-shaped neck that was open to air. The flask and its contents were then boiled for a long time to kill any microorganisms that might be present. Afterward the flask was cooled and left undisturbed. No fermentation occurred because all organisms that entered the open end were deposited in the neck and did not reach the fermentable material. When the neck of the flask was removed, microorganisms in the air promptly entered the fermentable material and proliferated. Pasteur concluded that life could not originate in the absence of previously existing organisms and their reproductive elements, such as eggs and spores. Announcing his results to the French Academy, Pasteur proclaimed, “Never will the doctrine of spontaneous generation arise from this mortal blow.”

All living organisms share a common ancestor, most likely a population of colonial microorganisms that lived almost 4 billion years ago. This common ancestor was itself the product of a long period of prebiotic assembly of nonliving matter, including organic molecules and water, to form self-replicating units. All living organisms retain a fundamental chemical composition inherited from their ancient common ancestor.

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