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For Further Reading
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Chave, A., 2004. Seeding the seafloor with observatories. Oceanus, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 28–31. Networks of high-tech instruments being established on the sea floor will allow us to continuously monitor ocean conditions and the internal dynamics of the earth.

Clarke, T., 2003. Oceanography: Robots in the deep. Nature, vol. 421, no. 6922, 30-January, pp. 468–470. Autonomous underwater vehicles—AUVs—are coming of age.

Linden, E., 2004. The Vikings: A memorable visit to America. Smithsonian, vol.-35, no. 9, December, pp. 92–99. The story of the Vikings’ discovery of North America—and where they went when they left.

Mayr, E., 2000. Darwin’s influence on modern thought. Scientific American, vol. 283, no. 1, July, pp. 78–83. Darwin’s ideas and writings had a profound influence not only upon science but also upon society at large.

Ocean observatories. Oceanus, vol. 42, no. 1, 2000. High-tech instrument packages stay deep in the oceans for months, even years, at a time, sending back key information to scientists on the surface.

Stone, G. S., 2003. Deep science. National Geographic, vol. 204, no. 3, September, pp. 78–93. Aquarius, the world’s only live-in underwater laboratory, lies on the sea floor in the Florida Keys.

Tindall, B., 2004. Tidal attraction. Sierra, vol. 89, no. 3, May/June, pp. 48–55, 64. A look at the same tide pools studied by Ed Ricketts and John Steinbeck— but many aren’t what they once were.

Wheelwright, J., 2003. Sea searchers. Smithsonian, vol. 33, no. 10, January, pp.-56–62. Scientists launch an unprecedented effort to track the movements of marine animals using the latest electronics and satellite technology.

Marine Biology, 6eOnline Learning Center

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