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Table of Contents

Macroeconomics, 16/e

Campbell R McConnell, University of Nebraska, Emeritus
Stanley L Brue, Pacific Lutheran University

ISBN: 0072875577
Copyright year: 2005

Table of Contents

PART ONE An Introduction to Economics and the Economy

To the Student

CHAPTER 1: The Nature and Method of Economics
The Economic Perspective
Scarcity and Choice / Rational Behavior / Marginalism: Benefits and Costs
Consider This: Free for All?
Why Study Economics?
Economics for Citizenship / Professional and Personal Applications
Economic Methodology
Theoretical Economics / Policy Economics
Macroeconomics and Microeconomics
Macroeconomics / Microeconomics / Positive and Normative Economics
Pitfalls to Sound Reasoning
Biases / Loaded Terminology / Definitions / Fallacy of Composition / Causation Fallacies
A Look Ahead
Last Word: Fast-Food Lines: An Economic Perspective
Appendix Chapter 1: Graphs and Their Meaning
Construction of a Graph / Direct and Inverse Relationships / Dependent and Independent Variables / Other Things Equal / Slope of a Line / Vertical Intercept / Equation of a Linear Relationship / Slope of a Nonlinear Curve

CHAPTER 2: The Economizing Problem
The Foundation of Economics
Unlimited Wants / Scarce Resources
Economics: Employment and Efficiency
Full Employment: Using Available Resources / Full Production: Using Resources Efficiently / Production Possibilities Table / Production Possibilities Curve / Law of Increasing Opportunity Cost / Allocative Efficiency Revisited
Unemployment, Growth, and the Future
Unemployment and Productive Inefficiency / A Growing Economy / A Qualification: International Trade / Examples and Applications
Consider This: A Matter of Degrees: Is College Worth the Cost?
Economic Systems
The Market System / The Command System
The Circular Flow Model
Last Word: September 11, 2001, and the War on Terrorism

CHAPTER 3: Individual Markets: Demand and Supply
Law of Demand / The Demand Curve / Market Demand / Change in Demand / Changes in Quantity Demanded
Law of Supply / The Supply Curve / Determinants of Supply / Changes in Supply / Changes in Quantity Supplied
Supply and Demand: Market Equilibrium
Surpluses / Shortages / Equilibrium Price and Quantity / Rationing Function of Prices / Changes in Supply, Demand, and Equilibrium / A Reminder: "Other Things Equal"
Consider This: The Cutting Edge
Application: Government-Set Prices
Price Ceilings and Shortages / Price Floors and Surpluses
Last Word: Ticket Scalping: A Bum Rap?

CHAPTER 3Web: Applications and Extensions of Supply and Demand Analysis
(Web Chapter,
Changes in Supply and Demand
Lettuce / American Flags / Pink Salmon / Gasoline / Sushi
Preset Prices
Olympic Figure Skating Finals / Olympic Curling Preliminaries
Consider This: Taking Back a "Gift"
Nonpriced Goods:The American Bison
Consumer and Producer Surplus
Consumer Surplus / Producer Surplus / Efficiency Revisited / Efficiency Losses
Last Word: Efficiency Gains from Generic Drugs

CHAPTER 4: The Market System
Characteristics of the Market System
Private Property / Freedom of Enterprise and Choice / Self- Interest / Competition / Markets and Prices / Reliance on Technology and Capital Goods / Specialization / Use of Money / Active, but Limited, Government
The Market System at Work
What Will Be Produced? / How Will the Goods and Services Be Produced? / Who Will Get the Goods and Services? / How Will the System Accommodate Change?
Consider This: McHits and McMisses
Competition and the "Invisible Hand"
Last Word: Shuffling the Deck

CHAPTER 5: The U.S. Economy: Private and Public Sectors
Households as Income Receivers
The Functional Distribution of Income / The Personal Distribution of Income
Households as Spenders
Personal Taxes / Personal Saving / Personal Consumption Expenditures
The Business Population
Legal Forms of Businesses
Advantages and Disadvantages / The Principal-Agent Problem
The Public Sector: Government's Role
Providing the Legal Structure / Maintaining Competition / Redistributing Income / Reallocating Resources / Promoting Stability / Government's Role: A Qualification
Consider This: Street Entertainers
The Circular Flow Revisited
Government Finance
Government Purchases and Transfers
Federal Finance
Federal Expenditures / Federal Tax Revenues
State and Local Finance
State Finances / Local Finances / Fiscal Federalism
Last Word: The Financing of Corporations

CHAPTER 6: The United States in the Global Economy
International Linkages
The United States and World Trade
Volume and Pattern / Rapid Trade Growth / Participants in International Trade Specialization and Comparative Advantage
Basic Principle / Comparative Costs / Terms of Trade / Gains from

Specialization and Trade The Foreign Exchange Market
Dollar-Yen Market / Changing Rates: Depreciation and Appreciation
Consider This: A Ticket to Ride
Government and Trade
Trade Impediments and Subsidies / Why Government Trade Interventions? / Costs to Society
Multilateral Trade Agreements and Free-Trade Zones
Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act / General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade / World Trade Organization / The European Union / North American Free Trade Agreement
Global Competition
Last Word: Petition of the Candlemakers, 1845

PART TWO Macroeconomic Measurement and Basic Concepts

CHAPTER 7: Measuring Domestic Output and National Income
Assessing the Economy's Performance
Gross Domestic Product
A Monetary Measure / Avoiding Multiple Counting / GDP Excludes Nonproduction Transactions / Two Ways of Looking at GDP: Spending and Income
The Expenditures Approach
Personal Consumption Expenditures (C) / Gross Private Domestic Investment (Ig) / Government Purchases (G) / Net Exports (Xn) / Putting It All Together:GDP = C + Ig + G + Xn
Consider This: Stock Answers about Flows
The Income Approach
Compensation of Employees / Rents / Interest / Proprietors' Income / Corporate Profits / From National Income to GDP
Other National Accounts
Net Domestic Product / National Income / Personal Income / Disposable Income / The Circular Flow Revisited
Nominal GDP versus Real GDP
Adjustment Process in a One-Product Economy / An Alternative Method / Real-World Considerations and Data
Shortcomings of GDP
Nonmarket Activities / Leisure / Improved Product Quality / The Underground Economy / GDP and the Environment / Composition and Distribution of Output / Noneconomic Sources of Well-Being
Last Word: Feeding the GDP Accounts

CHAPTER 8: Introduction to Economic Growth and Instability
Economic Growth
Growth as a Goal / Arithmetic of Growth / Main Sources of Growth / Growth in the United States / Relative Growth Rates
The Business Cycle
Phases of the Business Cycle / Causation: A First Glance / Cyclical Impact: Durables and Nondurables
Measurement of Unemployment / Types of Unemployment / Definition of Full Employment / Economic Cost of Unemployment / Noneconomic Costs / International Comparisons
Meaning of Inflation / Measurement of Inflation / Facts of Inflation / Types of Inflation / Complexities
Consider This: Clipping Coins
Redistribution Effects of Inflation
Who Is Hurt by Inflation? / Who Is Unaffected or Helped by Inflation? / Anticipated Inflation / Addenda
Effects of Inflation on Output
Cost-Push Inflation and Real Output / Demand-Pull Inflation and Real Output / Hyperinflation and Breakdown
Last Word: The Stock Market and the Economy

CHAPTER 9: Basic Macroeconomic Relationships
The Income-Consumption and Income-Saving Relationships
The Consumption Schedule / The Saving Schedule / Average and Marginal Propensities / Nonincome Determinants of Consumption and Saving / Terminology, Shifts, and Stability
Consider This: What Wealth Effect?
The Interest-Rate–Investment Relationship
Expected Rate of Return / The Real Interest Rate / Investment Demand Curve / Shifts of the Investment Demand Curve / Instability of Investment
The Multiplier Effect
Rationale / The Multiplier and the Marginal Propensities / How Large Is the Actual Multiplier Effect?
Last Word: Squaring the Economic Circle

PART THREE Macroeconomic Models and Fiscal Policy

CHAPTER 10: The Aggregate Expenditures Model
Consumption and Investment Schedules
Equilibrium GDP: C + Ig = GDP
Tabular Analysis / Graphical Analysis
Other Features of Equilibrium GDP
Saving Equals Planned Investment / No Unplanned Changes in Inventories
Changes in Equilibrium GDP and the Multiplier
Adding International Trade
Net Exports and Aggregate Expenditures / The Net Export Schedule / Net Exports and Equilibrium GDP / International Economic Linkages
Adding the Public Sector
Government Purchases and Equilibrium GDP / Taxation and Equilibrium GDP
Equilibrium versus Full-Employment GDP
Recessionary Gap / Application:The U.S. Recession of 2001 / Inflationary Gap / Application: U.S. Inflation in the Late 1980s
Limitations of the Model
Last Word: Say's Law, the Great Depression, and Keynes

CHAPTER 11: Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
Aggregate Demand
Aggregate Demand Curve / Determinants of Aggregate Demand
Aggregate Supply
Aggregate Supply in the Long Run / Aggregate Supply in the Short Run / Determinants of Aggregate Supply
Equilibrium and Changes in Equilibrium
Increases in AD: Demand-Pull Inflation / Decreases in AD: Recession and Cyclical Unemployment / Decreases in AS: Cost-Push Inflation / Increases in AS: Full Employment with Price-Level Stability
Consider This: Ratchet Effect
Last Word: Why Is Unemployment in Europe So High?
Appendix Chapter 11: The Relationship of the Aggregate Demand Curve to the Aggregate Expenditures Model
Deriving the Aggregate Demand Curve from the Aggregate Expenditures Model / Aggregate Demand Shifts and the Aggregate Expenditures Model

CHAPTER 12: Fiscal Policy
Legislative Mandates
Fiscal Policy and the AD-AS Model
Expansionary Fiscal Policy / Contractionary Fiscal Policy / Financing of Deficits and Disposing of Surpluses / Policy Options: G or T
Built-In Stability
Automatic or Built-In Stabilizers
Evaluating Fiscal Policy
Full-Employment Budget / Recent U.S. Fiscal Policy
Problems, Criticisms, and Complications
Problems of Timing / Political Considerations / Future Policy Reversals / Offsetting State and Local Finance / Crowding-Out Effect / Fiscal Policy in the Open Economy
Last Word: The Leading Indicators
Current Thinking on Fiscal Policy

PART FOUR Money, Banking, and Monetary Policy

CHAPTER 13: Money and Banking
The Functions of Money
The Supply of Money
Money Definition M1 / Money Definition M2 / Money Definition M3
Consider This: Are Credit Cards Money?
What "Backs" the Money Supply?
Money as Debt / Value of Money / Money and Prices / Stabilization of Money's Value
The Demand for Money
Transactions Demand, Dt / Asset Demand, Da / Total Money Demand, Dm
The Money Market
Adjustment to a Decline in the Money Supply / Adjustment to an Increase in the Money Supply
The Federal Reserve and the Banking System
Historical Background / Board of Governors / FOMC / The 12 Federal Reserve Banks / Commercial Banks and Thrifts / Fed Functions and the Money Supply / Federal Reserve Independence
Recent Developments in Money and Banking
The Relative Decline of Banks and Thrifts / Consolidation among Banks and Thrifts / Convergence of Services Provided by Financial Institutions / Globalization of Financial Markets / Electronic Transactions
Last Word: The Global Greenback

CHAPTER 14: How Banks and Thrifts Create Money
The Balance Sheet of a Commercial Bank
Prologue:The Goldsmiths
A Single Commercial Bank
Formation of a Commercial Bank / Money-Creating Transactions of a Commercial Bank / Profits, Liquidity, and the Federal Funds Market
The Banking System: Multiple-Deposit Expansion
The Banking System's Lending Potential / The Monetary Multiplier / Some Modifications / Need for Monetary Control
Last Word: The Bank Panics of 1930 to 1933

CHAPTER 15: Monetary Policy
Consolidated Balance Sheet of the Federal Reserve Banks
Assets / Liabilities
Tools of Monetary Policy
Open-Market Operations / The Reserve Ratio / The Discount Rate / Easy Money and Tight Money / Relative Importance
Monetary Policy, Real GDP, and the Price Level
Cause-Effect Chain / Effects of an Easy Money Policy / Effects of a Tight Money Policy
Monetary Policy in Action
The Focus on the Federal Funds Rate / Recent Monetary Policy / Problems and Complications / "Artful Management" or "Inflation Targeting"? / Monetary Policy and the International Economy
Consider This: Pushing on a String
The "Big Picture"
Last Word: For the Fed, Life Is a Metaphor

PART FIVE Long-Run Perspectives and Macroeconomic Debates

CHAPTER 16: Extending the Analysis of Aggregate Supply
From Short Run to Long Run
Short-Run Aggregate Supply / Long-Run Aggregate Supply / Equilibrium in the Extended AD-AS Model
Applying the Extended AD-AS Model
Demand-Pull Inflation in the Extended AD-AS Model / Cost- Push Inflation in the Extended AD-AS Model / Recession and the Extended AD-AS Model
The Inflation-Unemployment Relationship
The Phillips Curve / Aggregate Supply Shocks and the Phillips Curve
The Long-Run Phillips Curve
Short-Run Phillips Curve / Long-Run Vertical Phillips Curve / Disinflation
Taxation and Aggregate Supply
Taxes and Incentives to Work / Incentives to Save and Invest / The Laffer Curve / Criticisms of the Laffer Curve / Rebuttal and Evaluation
Consider This: Sherwood Forest
Last Word: Has the Impact of Oil Prices Diminished?

CHAPTER 17: Economic Growth
Ingredients of Growth
Supply Factors / Demand Factor / Efficiency Factor
Production Possibilities Analysis
Growth and Production Possibilities / Labor and Productivity / Growth in the AD-AS Model
U.S. Economic Growth Rates
Accounting for Growth
Labor Inputs versus Productivity / Technological Advance / Quantity of Capital / Education and Training / Economies of Scale and Resource Allocation / Other Factors
Consider This: Economic Growth Rates Matter!
The Productivity Acceleration: A New Economy?
Reasons for the Productivity Acceleration / Macroeconomic Implications / Skepticism about Permanence / What Can We Conclude?
Is Growth Desirable and Sustainable?
The Antigrowth View / In Defense of Economic Growth
Last Word: Women and Economic Growth

CHAPTER 18: Deficits, Surpluses, and the Public Debt
Deficits, Surpluses, and Debt: Definitions
Budget Philosophies
Annually Balanced Budget / Cyclically Balanced Budget / Functional Finance
The Public Debt: Facts and Figures
Causes / Quantitative Aspects / Social Security Considerations
False Concerns
Bankruptcy / Burdening Future Generations
Substantive Issues
Income Distribution / Incentives / Foreign-Owned Public Debt/ Crowding Out and the Stock of Capital
Deficits and Surpluses: 1992–2012
From Deficits to Surpluses / What to Do with the Surpluses? / Back to Deficits in 2002 / The Tax Cuts of 2003
Last Word: The Long-Run Fiscal Imbalance: Social Security

CHAPTER 19: Disputes over Macro Theory and Policy
Some History: Classical Economics and Keynes
The Classical View / The Keynesian View
What Causes Macro Instability?
Mainstream View / Monetarist View / Real-Business-Cycle View / Coordination Failures
Does the Economy "Self-Correct"?
New Classical View of Self-Correction / Mainstream View of Self-Correction
Rules or Discretion?
In Support of Policy Rules / In Defense of Discretionary Stabilization Policy / Increased Macro Stability
Consider This: On the Road Again
Summary of Alternative Views
Last Word: The Taylor Rule: Could a Robot Replace Alan Greenspan?

PART SIX International Economics and the World Economy

CHAPTER 20: International Trade
Some Key Facts
The Economic Basis for Trade
Comparative Advantage: Graphical Analysis
Two Isolated Nations / Specializing Based on Comparative Advantage / Terms of Trade / Gains from Trade / Trade with Increasing Costs / The Case for Free Trade
Supply and Demand Analysis of Exports and Imports
Supply and Demand in the United States / Supply and Demand in Canada / Equilibrium World Price, Exports, and Imports
Trade Barriers
Economic Impact of Tariffs / Economic Impact of Quotas / Net Costs of Tariffs and Quotas / Impact on Income Distribution
The Case for Protection: A Critical Review
Military Self-Sufficiency Argument / Increased Domestic Employment Argument / Diversification-for-Stability Argument / Infant Industry Argument / Protection-against-Dumping Argument / Cheap Foreign Labor Argument / A Summing Up
Consider This: Shooting Yourself in the Foot
Last Word: The WTO Protests
The World Trade Organization

CHAPTER 21: Exchange Rates, the Balance of Payments, and Trade Deficits
Financing International Trade
U.S. Export Transaction / U.S. Import Transaction
The Balance of Payments
Current Account / Capital Account / Official Reserves Account / Payments, Deficits, and Surpluses
Flexible Exchange Rates
Depreciation and Appreciation / Determinants of Exchange Rates / Flexible Rates and the Balance of Payments / Disadvantages of Flexible Exchange Rates
Consider This: The Big Mac Index
Fixed Exchange Rates
Use of Reserves / Trade Policies / Exchange Controls and Rationing / Domestic Macroeconomic Adjustments
International Exchange-Rate Systems
The Gold Standard: Fixed Exchange Rates / The Bretton Woods System / The Current System:The Managed Float
Recent U.S.Trade Deficits
Causes of the Trade Deficits / Implications of U.S.Trade Deficits
Last Word: Speculation in Currency Markets

CHAPTER 22Web: The Economics of Developing Countries
(Web Chapter,
The Rich and the Poor
Classifications / Comparisons / Growth, Decline, and Income Gaps / The Human Realities of Poverty
Obstacles to Economic Development
Natural Resources / Human Resources / Capital Accumulation / Technological Advance / Sociocultural and Institutional Factors
The Vicious Circle
Role of Government
A Positive Role / Public Sector Problems
Role of Advanced Nations
Expanding Trade / Foreign Aid: Public Loans and Grants / Flows of Private Capital
Where from Here?
DVC Policies for Promoting Growth / IAC Policies for Fostering DVC Growth
Last Word: Famine in Africa

CHAPTER 23Web: Transition Economies: Russia and China
(Web Chapter,
Ideology and Institutions
State Ownership and Central Planning
Planning Goals and Techniques
Problems with Central Planning
The Coordination Problem / The Incentive Problem
Collapse of the Soviet Economy
Declining Growth / Poor Product Quality / Lack of Consumer Goods / Large Military Burden / Agricultural Drag
The Russian Transition to a Market System
Privatization / Price Reform / Promotion of Competition / Making the Ruble Fully Convertible / Price-Level Stabilization / Other Major Problems / Recent Revival
Market Reforms in China
Agricultural and Rural Reform / Reform of Urban Industries / Special Economic Zones / Development of Supporting Institutions / Transformation of the SOEs
Outcomes and Prospects
Positive Outcomes of Reform / Problems Conclusion
Last Word: Police Smash Down Smirnov's Doors

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