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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Teachers, Schools, and Society, 7/e

Myra Pollack Sadker, Late of The American University
David Miller Sadker, The American University

ISBN: 0072877723
Copyright year: 2005

What's New

New Features are outlined below. To review chapter-by-chapter changes, click the link below.
Sadker Detailed Revisions (48.0K)

  • EXPANDED COVERAGE OF STANDARDS AND TESTING: Chapter 7 has been rewritten to include a thorough, clear discussion of standards, testing and their impact on Education today. The chapter includes coverage of The No Child Left Behind Act – what it says and really means to educators, the Standards Movement, a discussion of alternatives to high-stakes testing, as well as a critique of standardized testing.
  • STUDENT MEDIA READER CD-ROM WITH CASES, READINGS, AUDIO CLIPS AND VIDEO CLIPS: The new student CD-ROM, Resources for Exploring Education, includes comprehensive case studies, timely articles and classroom audio and video clips related to chapter topics. Each is accompanied by questions to help the student reflect on the material.
  • REFINED AND EXPANDED PORTFOLIO RESOURCES: A new introduction to portfolio construction section, located at the end of Part I, provides the basics of why and how to create a portfolio. Formerly Inter-missions, RAP--Reflective Activities and Your Portfolio--sections conclude each part by providing activities designed to help students apply and process content and develop portfolio artifacts. Each activity is keyed the INTASC standards. Forms to support the activities are available on the Online Learning Center. Rieman, Teaching Portfolios and FolioLive, the McGraw-Hill electronic portfolio tool, can be packaged with the text for free.
  • EXPANDED ONLINE RESOURCES: The online resources that accompany the text have been expanded to include an Online Learning Center with student study guide materials (including quizzing and the popular Interactive Activities), resources (such as RAP forms), and PowerWeb (Annual Editions articles with current newsfeeds) AND a student interactive site with surveys, monthly updates, and general teaching/education resources.
  • EXPANDED VIDEO PROGRAM: The Teachers, Schools, and Society video program has been expanded. In addition, the Only a Teacher video series (as seen on PBS) is available with the text. This three-video series chronicles the history of the American teacher and includes both extensive historical coverage and contemporary classroom scenes. Segments from all of the videos are keyed to each chapter in the Annotated Instructor’s Edition.
  • EXPANDED AND NEW COVERAGE: Coverage has been expanded to include discussions of the effect of businesses on education, why funding impacts learning and why this connection is not always seen, vouchers, school prayer and evolution, and bullying. In addition, curricular descriptions (with sample standards in different areas) and the discussion of adequacy and financial equity have been rewritten to provide the most current information.

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