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Multiple Choice
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After administering a particular test to a large number of people and determining the typical scores, you would be able to compare a single person's score to the scores of the group, which would provide a comparative measure of test performance against the performance of others who have taken the test. What have you established and applied?
A)test validity
B)test norms
C)test reliability
D)none of the above

To create the MMPI-2, groups of psychiatric patients with a specific diagnosis, such as depression or schizophrenia, were asked to complete a large number of items on a test. The test authors then determined which items best differentiated members of these groups from a comparison group of normal participants. This process is called
B)establishing reliability.
C)test standardization.

The __________ test consists of showing a series of symmetrical inkblots to people who are then asked what the figures represent to them.
D)Creative Aptitude

The TAT consists of showing a series of pictures to a person, who is asked to__________. These responses are then used to draw inferences about the person's personality characteristics.
A)tell which ones he or she likes best
B)organize several pictures into a story line
C)write a story about each picture
D)identify the picture that is most upsetting

Behavioral assessment may be carried out in the home, at work, in school, or in a laboratory. Where would you find observation of people under controlled conditions in which a psychologist sets up a situation?
A)in the home
B)at work
C)in school
D)in a laboratory

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