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Stereotypes may be:
C)overly complex.
D)both a & b

Various groups are more likely to be called "lazy" or "shrewd" or "cruel" with varying degrees of regularity by
A)group members.
B)nonmembers of the groups.
D)none of the above.

What would be an example of what Claude Steele calls stereotype vulnerability?
A)a person’s willingness to adopt cultural sterotypes to bolster his/her self-esteem as member of a privileged group
B)an African-American high school student’s decision not to go to college because she feels that attending college means subscribing to “white establishment” values
C)the inability of someone from a socio-economically disadvantaged ethnic group to afford legal representation in a job discrimination lawsuit
D)all of the above

Being a member of a particular group helps to magnify one's sense of self-esteem according to __________.
A)social identity theory
C)the self-fulfilling prophesy
D)both a & c

Some psychologists argue that prejudice results when:
A)there is perceived competition for scarce societal resources.
B)human cognitive limitations lead us to categorize people on the basis of visually conspicuous physical features.
C)we identify strongly with a group.
D)all of the above

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