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Introductory Plant Biology, 9/e
Kingsley R. Stern, California State University, Chico

Kingdom Protista

Chapter Outline

Features of Kingdom Protista
Phylum Chlorophyta—The Green Algae

   Other Green Algae
Phylum Chromophyta—The Yellow-Green Algae, Golden-Brown Algae, Diatoms, and Brown Algae
   Yellow-Green Algae (Xanthophyceae)
   Golden-Brown Algae (Chrysophyceae)
   Diatoms (Bacillariophyceae)
   Brown Algae (Phaeophyceae)
Phylum Rhodophyta—The Red Algae
Phylum Euglenophyta—The Euglenoids
Phylum Dinophyta—The Dinoflagellates
Phylum Cryptophyta—The Cryptomonads
Phylum Prymnesiophyta (Haptophyta)—The Haptophytes
Phylum Charophyta—The Stoneworts
Human and Ecological Relevance of the Algae
   Other Algae
   Minerals and Food
Other Members of Kingdom Protista
Phylum Myxomycota—The Plasmodial Slime Molds
Phylum Dictyosteliomycota—The Cellular Slime Molds
   Human and Ecological Relevance of the Slime Molds
Phylum Oomycota—The Water Molds
   Human and Ecological Relevance of the Water Molds