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Internet Exercises
(See related pages)

Several of these items are taken from the Myers, Exploring Social Psychology site at You can access these activities by going to the student center. For example, activity 1.2 means Module 1 exercise #2.

  1. Taken from Exploring Social Psychology – Activity 1.2
  2. Taken from Exploring Social Psychology – Activity 2.2
  3. "Isn't social psychology all just common sense?" ( ) – Take this 35-item quiz and find out.
  4. Research Methods

  5. Research Methods Lab ( ) -
  6. “In the Lab you will learn about the five different Research methods, practice what you have learned, and then take a post-test to confirm your knowledge” - requires free Shockwave plug-in which can be downloaded at the site.
  7. Critical thinking psychology exercises ( ) - excellent set of activities on inference vs. observation, operational definitions, correlations, jumping to conclusions, faulty thinking and thinking creatively
  8. Statistical Concepts

  9. Visualizing statistical concepts ( ) – Try out a large number of interactive exercises illustrating statistical concepts.
  10. Simulations and demonstrations ( ) - more simulations and demonstrations of statistical concepts
  11. Randomness ( ) – Think you know what randomness is? Take this mini-course and find out.
  12. Guess the correlation ( ) - a fun and effective interactive exercise illustrating the relationship between types of correlations and scatter plots

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