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Chapter Outline
(See related pages)

What Is Aggression?
    Theories of Aggression?
      1. Is Aggression Biological?
    1. Instinct Theory and Evolutionary Psychology
    2. Neural Influences
    3. Genetic Influences
    4. Biochemical Influences
      2. Is Aggression a Response to Frustration?
    1. Frustration-Aggression Theory Revised
    2. Is Frustration the Same as Deprivation?
    3. Relative Deprivation
      3. Is Aggression Learned Social Behavior?
    1. The Rewards of Aggression
    2. Observational Learning
    Influences on Aggression
      1. Aversive Incidents
    1. Pain
    2. Heat
    3. Attacks
      2. Arousal
      3. Aggression Cues
      4. Media Influences: Pornography and Sexual Violence
    1. Distorted Perceptions of Sexual Reality
    2. Aggression Against Women
    3. Media Awareness Education
      5. Media Influences: Television
    1. Television’s Effects on Behavior
    2. Television’s Effects on Thinking
      6. Media Influences: Video Games
    1. The Games Kids Play
    2. Effects of the Games Kids Play
      7. Group Influences
    How Can Aggression be Reduced?
    1. Catharsis?
    2. A Social Learning Approach
    Personal Postcript: Reforming a Violent Culture

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