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Chapter Outline
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Why Do We Help?
    1. Gaining Rewards, Avoiding Punishment
  1. Social Exchange
  2. Internal Rewards
  3. Social Norms
    2. Evolutionary Psychology
  1. Kin Protection
  2. Reciprocity
    3. Comparing and Evaluating Theories of Altruism
    4. Genuine Altruism
When Will We Help?
    1. Number of Bystanders
  1. Noticing
  2. Interpreting
  3. Assuming Responsibility
  4. Revisiting Research Ethics
    2. Helping When Someone Else Does
    3. Time Pressures
    4. Similarity
Who Will Help?
    1. Personality Traits
    2. Religious Faith
How Can We Increase Helping?
    1. Undoing the Restraints on Helping
  1. Reducing Ambiguity, Increasing Responsibility
  2. Guilt and Concern For Self-Image
    2. Socializing Altruism
  1. Teaching Moral Inclusion
  2. Modeling Altruism
  3. Attributing Helpful Behavior to Altruistic Motives
  4. Learning About Altruism
Personal Postscript: Taking Social Psychology Into Life

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