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Multiple Choice Quiz
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When we believe that a relationship exists between two things we are
A)more likely to notice the times that this belief was confirmed.
B)less likely to see any co-occurrences of other events.
C)more likely to notice the times that this belief was disconfirmed
D)more likely to look for other co-occurrences of events.

In a classic study, Rosenhan, et al., had confederates check into a mental hospital and report hearing voices. All other information presented to the administrator and doctor was accurate and no other symptoms were reported. The study reported that
A)they were all found out within one week.
B)most were diagnosed as schizophrenic and remained hospitalized for 2 to 3 weeks.
C)they were all found out immediately.
D)they were all kept in the hospital for at least a month.

Which of the following is NOT a questionable tactic used in confirmation-seeking therapists?
A)dream interpretation.
B)guided imagery.
C)use of open-ended questions.

One of the LEAST accurate predictors of a criminal's future behavior is
A)statistical prediction of risk of recidivism.
B)past behavior.
C)previous research.
D)a clinician's judgment.

One reason for overconfidence in clinical judgments is
A)the fundamental attribution error.
B)the hindsight bias.
C)the self-referencing effect.
D)the medical students' syndrome.

"Ignorance is bliss" would be the flipside of
A)depressive realism.
B)a positive explanatory style.
C)a realistic explanatory style.
D)the illusion of transparency.

A negative or pessimistic way of attributing failure to internal causes is
A)an optimistic explanatory style.
B)a negative explanatory style.
C)a failure-oriented explanatory style.
D)an unrealistic explanatory style.

Thinking of yourself as better-than-average and more in control of things than you really are is the construction of
A)the illusion of transparency.
B)the mirror-image perception.
C)the negative self-perception.
D)a positive illusion.

An important factor in a depressed individual's thinking is
B)realistic optimism.
D)a positive illusion.

Feeling excluded, unloved, and being unable to share your private concerns with others is
B)realistic pessimism.
C)a positive illusion.

"We feel anxious when we are motivated to impress others but doubt our ability to do so." This best sums up which of the following theories?
A)self-presentation theory.
B)an optimistic attributional style.
C)positive illusions.
D)social identity theory.

The study of the psychological roots of health and illness is
A)behavioral modification.
B)medical integration.
C)health psychology.

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