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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Persuasion is
A)the process by which a message induces attitude change.
B)a change in behavior or belief as a result of real or imagined group pressure.
C)the process by which a message induces a change in behavior.
D)a change in behavior or belief as a result of a direct order from someone.

We tend to call information _____ when we believe it and _____ when we do not.
A)a fact; a lie.
B)educational; propaganda.
C)a lie; a fact.
D)propaganda; educational.

When people are presented with information and they are naturally analytical or the information is highly involving they are likely to be persuaded via the _____ route to persuasion. When people are not engaged with the information or they tend to make snap judgments, they are more likely persuaded via the ______ route.
A)peripheral; central.
B)elaborative; peripheral.
C)central; peripheral.
D)central; elaborative.

Which of the following is more likely to produce change?
A)elaborative route persuasion.
B)peripheral route persuasion.
C)implicit route persuasion.
D)central route persuasion.

Credibility is
A)the same as liking.
B)perceived expertise and trustworthiness.
C)the same as attractiveness.
D)how likely you are to be persuaded by someone.

When someone speaks confidently and quickly we assume they are

Being persuaded by information that is exclusive is the principle of _____. Being persuaded by feeling that you "owe" someone is the principle of _____.
A)scarcity; reciprocity
B)exclusivity; retaliation
C)reciprocity; scarcity.
D)uniqueness; obligation

Jaime's mother died of a smoking-related illness. He is now fervently anti-smoking because of the strong emotional component of his attitude. What type of anti-smoking message is he more likely to be persuaded by?
A)a credible communicator.
B)an attractive communicator.
C)the reciprocity factor.
D)an emotional appeal.

Which of the following is more likely to be persuasive?
A)positively framed messages.
B)happiness-producing messages.
C)fear-arousing messages.
D)messages conveyed by an attractive communicator.

One of the problems with using fear-arousing messages is that they can be overwhelming. They lose effectiveness if they
A)don't include information on how to avoid the danger.
B)aren't realistic.
C)are presented by an attractive communicator.
D)are presented by someone in authority.

You are going to meet someone who is intelligent, industrious, impulsive, critical, stubborn, and envious. Because I first described him as intelligent, you're more likely to feel favorably toward him than you would if I had started by saying he was envious. This is due to
A)a framing effect.
B)a primacy effect.
C)a serial-order effect.
D)a recency effect.

Persuasion _____ as the significance and familiarity of the issue _____.
A)decreases; increases.
B)stays the same; increases.
C)increases; decreases.
D)increases; stays the same.

One criticism of the studies on why people join cults is that those studies are subject to
A)self-identity factors.
B)the overconfidence effect.
C)the self-fulfilling prophecy.
D)the hindsight bias.

Cults are also called
A)new religious movements.
B)wingnut groups.
C)nothing different than any other religion.

A group characterized by distinctive religiosity that involves isolation from the rest of the world and has a charismatic leader is called a

Generally, cults gain new followers by inviting prospective members to dinner or warm weekend retreats, not by using overt or high-pressure tactics. In other words, they are using
A)a door-in-the-face technique.
B)the foot-in-the-door technique.
C)a low-ball technique.
D)a bogus pipeline technique.

Someone who attracts and directs group members is a(n)

Analytical people who enjoying thinking carefully, show
A)a high need to belong.
B)a low need for cognition.
C)a high sense of self-efficacy.
D)a high need for cognition.

Which of the following messages is NOT likely to be as persuasive as the others?
A)messages conveyed by popular and attractive communicators.
B)messages that appear to be designed to change our attitudes.
C)messages that arouse strong emotions.
D)messages presented by communicators who appear to be credible experts.

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