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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Which of the following is NOT a group?
A)students working in a computer lab at independent tasks.
B)students studying for their social psychology test together.
C)a number of people that meet weekly for an AA meeting.
D)people who jog together every morning.

Social facilitation is the tendency for the presence of others
A)to affect our likelihood to help.
B)to either enhance or impair performance.
C)to only impair our performance.
D)to only improve our performance.

Historically, social facilitation referred
A)to both improvements and detriments to performance.
B)only to detriments in performance.
C)only to improved performance.
D)to an effect seen only when more than 10 people were present.

Currently, social facilitation refers
A)to an effect seen only when more than five people are present.
B)only to detriments in performance.
C)only to improved performance.
D)to either improvement or hindrance of performance.

Zajonc argues that social facilitation leads to arousal which enhances
B)the dominant response.
C)the submissive response.
D)the self-presentation response.

The dominant response, Zajonc argues,
A)should boost performance on easy tasks and hurt performance on difficult tasks.
B)should always lead to an improvement in performance.
C)should boost performance on difficult tasks and hurt performance on easy tasks.
D)should increase the distraction the performer feels.

An example of an environment that leads to distress is
A)a cool-temperature environment.
B)a low-stimulus environment.
C)a wide open space.
D)a crowded house.

When you perform a task in front of others who are blindfolded, social facilitation effects are void. This finding supports which theory of social facilitation?
A)social facilitation.
C)evaluation apprehension.
D)mere presence effects.

In a strange but revealing experiment, Zajonc, et al. found that roaches are affected by the mere presence of other roaches in much the same way as humans are affected by the mere presence of other humans. These findings detracted from which theory of social facilitation?
B)drive theory.
C)social observation.

Researcher Ingham found that students pulled hardest on a rope when
A)they believed they were pulling with two people.
B)they believed they were pulling with three people.
C)they believed they were pulling with four or five people.
D)they believed they were pulling alone.

Which provides the correct order of Zajonc's conception of social facilitation?
A)presence of others— dominant response— arousal.
B)arousal— presence of others— dominant response.
C)presence of others— arousal— dominant response.
D)dominant response arousal presence of others.

Can social loafing be reduced?
A)No, social loafing is inevitable.
B)Yes, by having females work on the task.
C)Yes, by making an individual's work identifiable.
D)Yes, by doing research in countries other than the United States.

Social facilitation argues that being observed _____ evaluation concerns; social loafing argues that being in a group _____ evaluation concerns.
A)eliminates; raises to ceiling level.
B)increases; decreases.
C)raises to ceiling level; eliminates.
D)decreases; increases.

The phenomenon of risky shift is the finding
A)that group decisions are often riskier once groupthink sets in.
B)that individual decisions are often riskier than group decisions.
C)that individuals help less when others are around.
D)that group decisions often encourage riskier actions than individual decisions.

Generally, a high level of cohesiveness has _____ effects on group performance and _____ the impact that the group has on the individual.
A)bad; maximizes.
B)good; minimizes.
C)bad; minimizes.
D)good; maximizes.

A minority is most influential when
A)it is consistent and persistent.
B)it is a large minority.
C)it is loud.
D)it is well educated.

Submerged in a group that gives us anonymity, we have a tendency to
A)alter our social identity to meet the expectation of others.
B)unleash inhibitions because of deindividuation.
C)become inhibited because of social comparison.
D)accept responsibility for our actions.

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