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Social psychology is often concerned with the power of the _____ as well as the role of _____ in people's behavior.
A)situation; disposition.
B)people; norms.
C)roles; situations.
D)disposition; situation.

Social psychology has been charged with being both _____ and _____.
A)dangerous; wrong.
B)obvious; wrong.
C)trivial; dangerous.
D)obvious; useless.

Researchers hypothesize that people who drive SUVs are bullies. Researchers set up a hidden camera by a four-point stop sign and observe what kind of car/driver is more likely to stop fully and/or not yield to the other driver's right-of-way. What kind of study is this?
A)a laboratory experiment.
B)a naturalistic observation.
C)a case study.
D)a correlational study.

Researchers examined the effects of the number of bystanders on people's likelihood of helping a stranger in distress. Either alone or in the company of others, a subject witnessed an individual in need of help. Researchers then measured how likely the subject was to help the distressed individual. In this example, the number of bystanders would be the
A)independent variable.
B)dependent variable.
C)random variable.
D)confounding variable.

Researchers were interested in the relationship between the amount of aggressive media watched and observable acts of aggressive behavior by children towards others. They separated subjects into three groups: group one watched 5 hours a week of aggressive media; group two watched 10 hours a week of aggressive media; and group three watched 15 hours of aggressive media. Researchers then polled the parents or teachers on the child's observable aggressive behavior. In this example, aggressive behavior would be the
A)independent variable.
B)dependent variable.
C)random variable.
D)confounding variable.

Minority groups often define themselves by attending to
A)similarities between themselves and the majority group.
B)the way they are presented in the media as a sole guide to their identity.
C)differences between themselves and the majority group.
D)the similarities they have with other minority groups.

You left high school with a 3.8 GPA and have always believed you were "much smarter than the average bear." Now you are in a college where everyone had a 3.8 GPA in high school and great SAT scores. Suddenly you are struggling to keep up with the pack and feel less and less intelligent as the semesters go by. This is due to
A)social identity.
B)the social comparison effect.
C)self-reference effects.
D)the looking-glass self phenomenon.

How competent and effective you believe yourself to be is your

People in Florida know that hurricanes happen often during the hurricane season. For this reason, at the beginning of the hurricane season they buy supplies to make sure they can protect their property and families. This planning and preparedness illustrates
A)an external locus of control.
B)high self-monitoring.
C)high self-efficacy.
D)an internal locus of control.

After a test in which you get an A you explain that you studied hard and deserved it. Yet after you fail the next test, you explain that you failed because you were out partying the night before, your roommate woke you up early, you felt sick, etc. This is an example of
A)high self-monitoring.
B)the actor/observer effect.
C)the fundamental attribution error.
D)the self-serving bias.

A student is told to give a speech in favor of the death penalty. After the speech, the class is informed that the speaker was told to present only that side (in favor) of the issue. Even so, students overwhelmingly believe that the speaker believes in the death penalty. This illustrates
A)the actor/observer effect.
B)the self-serving bias.
C)the fundamental attribution error.

If as a juror you watch a videotaped confession where the camera is focused on the detective, you are more likely to perceive the confession as coerced. This is due to
A)the fundamental attribution error.
B)the actor/observer effect.
C)the self-serving bias.
D)the suspicious schema.

If I told you that you were going to meet someone "warm," the odds are you would enjoy your contact with them. Conversely, if I introduced you to someone I described as "cold," you'd most likely not want to talk to them. This illustrates
A)the suspicious schema.
D)the foot-in-the-door technique.

If on day one you had written down the grade you expected to receive on your first exam in this class, you, and most of your classmates, would most likely write down an A. However, you wind up getting a C on the first test. This is due to
B)bad grading.
C)the self-serving bias.
D)the self-fulfilling prophecy

If you see a man driving down the street in a VW bug with a surfboard out the back of his car, you are likely to think he is a surfer. This is because of
A)the availability heuristic.
B)the confirmation bias.
C)belief perseverance.
D)the representative heuristic.

The best way to determine if someone really cares about the environment would be to
A)ask how they voted.
B)look at what kind of car they chose to purchase.
C)see what political party they belong to.
D)ask them about their attitude.

If you are paid $20 to lie to someone versus $1 to tell the same lie to someone, you are LESS likely to experience dissonance. Why?
A)the overjustification effect.
B)insufficient justification effects.
C)the insufficient funds effect.
D)the underjustification effect.

In a strange but revealing experiment, Zajonc et al. have found that roaches are affected by the mere presence of others much in the same way as humans. That is, when the dominant response is correct, performance is increased; when the dominant response is wrong, performance is harmed. These findings would best support which theory of social facilitation?
A)drive theory.
C)evaluation apprehension.
D)self-perception theory.

Your girlfriend asks you if you'd be willing to run really quickly into the grocery store with her. You agree. However, once in the car she asks if you'd mind running on three other errands with her. Begrudgingly you say yes. She has used which of the following techniques?
A)slave labor.
B)the door-in-the-face technique.
C)the foot-in-the-door technique.
D)the low-ball technique.

A student states that he supports gun ownership by individuals. In speech class, his teacher assigns him to present a persuasive speech on abolishing gun ownership by individuals. After arguing the opposing side, he finds his initially favorable attitude is changing. This can best be explained by
A)attitude incongruity.
B)the attitude-behavior dissimilarity theory.
C)attitude inoculation.
D)cognitive dissonance theory.

If outgoing and friendly people reproduce more than socially withdrawn and unfriendly people, we should see more outgoing and friendly people in the next generation. This illustrates
B)natural selection.
C)heredity of the species.

An interaction is said to occur when
A)two streets meet.
B)the effect of one factor causes another.
C)two attitudes meet.
D)the effect of one factor depends upon another.

Which of the following is NOT characteristic of males?
A)they are more likely to have ADHD.
B)they are more likely to be depressed.
C)they are more likely to become alcoholics.
D)they are more likely to commit suicide.

The power of the situation is also called
A)personal control.
B)environmental control.
C)social control.

Young immigrant children often prefer the language and norms of their new peer culture. This is because
A)the parents make them speak the language.
B)they want to pretend they're not immigrants.
C)peer groups have more influence in transmitting culture.
D)the norm demands it.

You go out to dinner with three of your good friends. Friends 1 and 2 order dessert. Next, Friend 3 orders dessert. When the waiter gets to you, even though you are dieting, you order dessert. Why?

The "teacher/learner" paradigm, which has been extensively used by researchers to investigate a variety of phenomena, was used by
A)Asch, to investigate conformity.
B)Milgram, to investigate obedience.
C)Bandura, to investigate social learning theory.
D)Zimbardo, to investigate the power of the situation.

Groups often reject people who consistently deviate from social roles. These people appear to be unaffected by
A)proximal influence.
B)normative influence.
C)informational influence.
D)qualitative influence.

If your parents tell you that you can't drink until you are 21, you may well go out drinking before then. Psychologists refer to this as
D)reaction formation.

As humans, we seem driven to be not only different from "average-others" but, more importantly, BETTER than "average-others." This is due to
A)the self-serving bias.
B)the fundamental attribution error.
C)the actor/observer effect.

We tend to call information _____ when we believe it and _____ when we do not.
A)a fact; a lie.
B)educational; propaganda.
C)a lie; a fact.
D)propaganda; educational.

When people are presented with information and they are naturally analytical or the information is highly involving, they are likely to be persuaded via the _____ route to persuasion. When people are not engaged with the information or they tend to make snap judgments, they are more likely persuaded via the _____ route.
A)peripheral; central.
B)elaborative; peripheral.
C)central; peripheral.
D)central; elaborative.

Which of the following is more likely to be persuasive?
A)positively framed messages.
B)happiness-producing messages.
C)fear-arousing messages.
D)messages conveyed by an attractive communicator.

Which of the following messages is NOT likely to be as persuasive as the others?
A)messages conveyed by popular and attractive communicators.
B)messages that appear to be designed to change our attitudes.
C)messages that arouse strong emotions.
D)messages presented by communicators who appear to be credible experts.

When someone speaks confidently and quickly we assume they are

Historically, social facilitation referred
A)to both improvements and detriments to performance.
B)only to detriments in performance.
C)only to improved performance.
D)to an effect seen only when more than 10 people were present.

Zajonc argues that social facilitation leads to arousal which enhances
B)the dominant response.
C)the submissive response.
D)the self-presentation response.

Did students pull hardest on a rope when Inham (a researcher) told them they were pulling alone or when Inham told them that two to five people behind them were pulling as well? He found that students pulled hardest when
A)they believed they were pulling with two people.
B)they believed they were pulling with three people.
C)they believed they were pulling with four or five people.
D)they believed they were pulling alone.

Generally, a high level of cohesiveness has _____ effects on group performance and _____ the impact that the group has on the individual.
A)bad; maximizes.
B)good; minimizes.
C)bad; minimizes.
D)good; maximizes.

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