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Essay Quiz
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During the presidency of Ronald Reagon in the 1980s, then First Lady Nancy Reagon proposed an anti-drug campaign with the slogan, “Just say No!” However much the government purports to be anti-drug abuse, the liquor industry and the tobacco industry maintain powerful lobbies in the hope that Washington lawmakers will not enact laws contrary to the well-being of these industries. During the 1990s, the most recognizable cartoon character among young American children was “Smokey Joe” the camel, the mascot for Camel cigarettes. This finding suggests that the tobacco companies, contrary to their objections, attempt to sell the idea to children of very young ages that smoking is fun and pleasurable, and moreover, “cool.” The courts agreed following a lawsuit, and ordered the tobacco company to cease all Smokey Joe advertising campaigns. However, the shrewd tobacco companies have merely switched tactics and now make clothing and other gear available over the internet and in ads placed in magazines read by adolescents including Sports Illustrated. Some of the biggest platforms for the advertising of beer and cigarettes is in the context of professional sports, with ads placed all over the fields as well as commercial time on televised games. Most movies and television programs have become inundated with obvious ad placements, including the consumption of both cigarettes, alcohol, as well as illegal drugs. What message is the government allowing the liquor and tobacco industry to send to our young people?

Cigarettes, containing the highly addictive drug nicotine, is the only drug used by a substantial number of adolescents on a daily basis (over 20% smoke daily) and nearly one-third of all seniors report having engaged in binge drinking. Given that relatively few, by comparison, are using and/or experimenting with other drugs, where should the emphasis be placed in programs designed to discourage drug abuse? In your opinion, what does the government’s “war on drugs” seem to really be addressing?

You are on the board of a foundation that sponsors a grant program to fund programs to prevent adolescent drug and alcohol abuse. You have limited funds and you need to develop a set of criteria to evaluate program proposals that come to your foundation. What would you look for in a proposal to help you decide which type of programs you would fund?

You are a middle school counselor. A thirteen-year-old is caught smoking marijuana on school property and is sent to you for evaluation. What do you want to know about this youngster to determine the extent of his drug problem?

Experts argue that in order to lower the rate of chronic antisocial behavior, disruption in early family relationships must be prevented. In addition, they recommend that early academic problems should be avoided. Recognizing that this is easier said than done, experts acknowledge that it is difficult to gain support for intervening in family affairs “prior” to the occurrence of a significant adverse event, such as hostile behavior, abuse and neglect. On the other hand, waiting until a significant adverse event occurs, or more specifically, waiting until one occurs that is “reported,” may in fact be too late for an intervention to have a positive impact. What recommendations can be made regarding the prevention of externalizing problems when the constraints on available actions seem so insurmountable?

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