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Essay Quiz
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Consider the research findings regarding the use of leisure time by adolescents. Compare and contrast adolescents’ use of leisure time in America with those in other industrialized countries. What are the differences, for example, in the rate by which adolescents are employed during school years in the U.S. compared to other industrialized nations? Do you feel that, as a society, America can justify these differences based on the consequences of adolescent employment upon academic performance and ultimate academic achievement?

Research suggests that most school-age youth who are employed part-time do not save their money, do not contribute to the financial welfare of the household, and tend to spend their money without parental supervision. To what degree do you view this as a serious problem facing adolescents in America? In your opinion, should the government play a role in helping to increase adolescents develop a sense of financial responsibility from their earnings? For example, just as adults are forced to contribute to the social security system and their own pension plans, might the government enact a type of forced savings plan that would prohibit access to the money until the adolescent has reached college age?

After-school employment is widespread in America, and its effects upon academic achievement depend somewhat on the type of employment and the number of hours per week the adolescent is employed. At the turn of the previous century, labor laws were enacted to protect young children from the dangers of the workplace, enabling children to continue their education through high school years. Do you see the need at what is now the beginning of the 21st century to enact legislation to regulate employment of school-age children in order to prevent the decline in academic achievement among those with high levels of involvement with part-time employment?

The increasing number of so-called latchkey children has been shown to have no benefits for the children themselves. What are the potentially negative influences facing unsupervised adolescents? Given that the numbers of households where both parents are employed full-time continues to increase, what would you recommend to your local school board to alleviate this problem?

Research has demonstrated unequivocally that the types of media with which adolescents are exposed significantly increases adolescents’ risk of health-compromising behaviors. For example, youth are greatly influenced by their movie stars and rock stars who are shown committing violence, smoking, drinking, using drugs, and in sexually explicit scenes. What would you recommend to Congress to better protect America’s youth from such potentially harmful exposure? Are there any particular media sources that place African American youth at greater risk for health-compromising behavior, and if so, what would you recommend specifically to help them?

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