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Testing Your Knowledge
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1. Why doesn’t a hormone affect all body cells?

2. How do the mechanisms of peptide and steroid hormone function differ?

3. How do hormones regulate their own levels?

4. Describe how the following hormones interact:

  • a. thyroglobulin
  • b. thyroxine
  • c. triiodothyronine
  • d. TSH
  • e. TRH
  • 5. Which hormone fits each description below?

  • a. Too little of this hormone causes fatigue.
  • b. This hormone indicates pregnancy.
  • c. This hormone is produced by a woman who is breastfeeding.
  • d. This hormone increases blood calcium level.
  • e. This hormone decreases blood glucose level.
  • f. Synthetic steroid drugs mimic effects of this hormone.
  • 6. How are the following glands really two glands in one?

  • a. the thyroid
  • b. the pituitary
  • c. the adrenal glands
  • Click Here For The Answers


    Additional Questions

    1. Identify the gland that secretes each of the following hormones:

  • a. Melatonin.
  • b. Oxytocin.
  • c. Calcitonin.
  • d. Aldosterone.
  • e. Follicle-stimulating hormone.
  • f. Growth hormone.
  • g. Epinephrine.
  • 2. Which glands are each of the following disorders associated with?

  • a. Cretinism.
  • b. Acromegaly.
  • c. Osteoporosis.
  • d. Diabetes mellitus.
  • e. Addison’s disease.
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