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An atom with a neutral charge must contain
A)the same number of protons and neutrons.
B)the same number of protons and electrons.
C)more neutrons because they are neutral.
D)the same number of neutrons and electrons.
Electrons determine the chemical behavior of an atom because
A)they interact with other atoms.
B)they determine the charge of the atom.
C)they can be exchanged between atoms, transferring their energy as the move.
D)All of these are correct.
The elements within the periodic table are organized by:
A)the number of protons.
B)the number of neutrons.
C)the mass of protons and neutrons.
D)the mass of electrons.
Which of the following statements is not true.
A)Molecules held together by ionic bonds are called ionic compounds.
B)In NaCl, both sodium and chloride have completely filled outer energy levels of 8 electrons.
C)A sodium atom is able to form an ionic bond with chloride because sodium gives up an electron and chloride gains an electron.
D)Ionic bonds can form between any two atoms.
Oxygen has 6 electrons in its outer energy level; therefore,
A)it has a completely filled outer energy level.
B)it can form one double covalent bond or two single covalent bonds.
C)it does not react with any other atom.
D)it has a positive charge.
The atomic structure of water satisfies the octet rule by
A)filling the hydrogen atoms' outer energy levels with 8 electrons each.
B)having electrons shared between the two hydrogen atoms.
C)having oxygen form covalent bonds with two hydrogen atoms.
D)having each hydrogen atom give up an electron to the outer energy level of the oxygen atom.
The partial charge separation in H2O results from
A)the electrons' greater attraction to the oxygen atom.
B)oxygen's higher electronegativity.
C)a denser electron cloud near the oxygen atom.
D)All of these are correct.
The attraction of water molecules to other water molecules is
C)capillary action.
D)surface tension.
What two properties of water help it to moderate changes in temperature?
A)formation of hydration shells and high specific heat
B)high heat of vaporization and hydrophobic exclusion
C)high specific heat and high heat of vaporization
D)formation of hydration shells and hydrophobic exclusion
A substance with a high concentration of hydrogen ions is
A)called a base.
B)capable of acting as a buffer.
C)called an acid.
D)said to have a high pH.

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