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Chapter 45: The Nervous System

45.1 The nervous system consists of neurons and supporting cells. (Page 940)

Examine the following sections:
Animals/Nervous System/Introduction
6.14 Nervous Tissue
6.15 Central Nervous System
6.16 Types of Central Nervous Systems
Animals/Nervous System/Nervous Tissue
6.17 Neurons
6.18 Motor Neurons
6.19 Action Potential
6.20 Neurotransmitters
Neuron Organization. (Page 940)

45.2 Nerve impulses are produced on the axon membrane. (Page 942)

Examine the following sections:
Animals/Nervous System/Nervous Tissue
6.17 Neurons
6.18 Motor Neurons
6.19 Action Potential
6.20 Neurotransmitters
Animals/Nervous System/Action Potential
6.21 Resting Potential
6.22 Active Transport
6.23 Action Potential
6.24 Myelin Sheath
6.25 Action Potential
6.26 All-or-None Response
6.27 Action Potential
The Resting Membrane Potential. (Page 942)
Graded Potentials Generate Action Potentials. (Page 944)

45.3 Neurons form junctions called synapses with other cells. (Page 948)

Examine the following sections:
Animals/Nervous System/Synapse
6.28 Components
6.29 Release of Neurotransmitter
6.30 Excitatory Neurotransmitter
6.31 Types of Synapses
Structure of Synapses. (Page 948)
Neurotransmitters and Their Functions. (Page 949)

45.4 The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord. (Page 954)

Examine the following sections:
Animals/Nervous System/Human
6.32 Central Nervous System
6.33 Peripheral Nervous System
6.34 Reflex Arc
Animals/Nervous System/Central
6.43 Introduction
6.44 The Human Brain
6.45 Cerebrum
6.46 Four Major Lobes of the Cerebrum
6.47 Overview of the Brain
6.48 Limbic System
6.49 Thalamus
6.50 Cerebellum
6.51 Midbrain
6.52 Central Nervous System
6.53 Vertebrate Evolution
The Evolution of the Vertebrate Brain. (Page 954)
The Human Forebrain. (Page 957)
The Spinal Cord. (Page 961)

45.5 The peripheral nervous system consists of sensory and motor neurons. (Page 963)

Examine the following sections:
Animals/Nervous System/Peripheral
6.35 Introduction
6.36 Neuron Fibers
6.37 Sensory Neurons
6.38 Autonomic Neruons
6.39 Autonomic Nervous System
6.40 Autonomic Nervous System Activities
6.41 Comparison of the Peripheral Nervous System
6.42 Peripheral Nervous System
Components of the Peripheral Nervous System. (Page 963)
The Autonomic Nervous System. (Page 964)

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