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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Nonpharmacological interventions to chronic diseases include
A)healthful diet
D)a and b
E)all of the above

Components of a training program for health enhancement include
A)aerobic physical activity
B)increasing muscular strength and endurance
D)a and b
E)all of the above

Lifestyle changes that may prevent chronic disease include all of the following except
A)increasing stress
B)smoking cessation
C)aerobic exercise
D)vegetarian diet
E)all of the above

The primary purpose(s) of the food we eat is/are to
A)provide energy
B)build and repair tissue
C)regulate body processes
D)all of the above

The classes of nutrients include
A)carbohydrates and water
B)minerals and vitamins
C)fats and protein
D)a and c
E)all of the above

Chronic diseases
A)are genetically based
B)may be linked to diet
C)result from eating animal proteins
D)a and b
E)all of the above are True

The following are True of the RDAs
A)they are based on scientific knowledge
B)they are useful for sick people
C)they can be applied accurately to all individuals
D)only the U.S. has nutrient standards

Examples of unstructured physical activity include
A)climbing stairs
B)yard work
C)training for a running race
D)a and b
E)all of the above

To improve performance, an athlete should
A)train appropriately for age and sport
B)mentally prepare for the activity
C)use the best equipment
D)a and b
E)all of the above

Ergogenic aids
A)always improve athletic performance
B)only apply to nutritional products
C)may apply to equipment used in sport
D)a and c
E)all of the above

Nutritional quackery is widespread in athletics due to
A)imitating behaviors of well-known athletes
B)coaching suggestions
C)direct advertising of products
D)misinformation in magazines and books
E)all of the above

Which of the following is classified as a peer-reviewed journal?
A)Runner's World
D)Sports Medicine
E)Muscle and Strength

Which of the following is classified as a lay journal?
A)Medicine & Science in Sport & Exercise
B)International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism
C)Journal of Applied Physiology
D)Sports Illustrated
E)American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Which of the following is not one of the guidelines of the Prudent Healthy Diet?
A)Balance the food you eat with physical activity to maintain a healthy body weight.
B)Choose a diet moderate in total fat, but high in saturated fat.
C)Choose a diet with plenty of whole grain products, fruits, and vegetables.
D)Choose beverages and foods that moderate your intake of added sugars.
E)If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in moderation.

Which of the following is not one of the classes of dietary supplements as documented in the DSHEA?
A)all are classified as dietary supplement
B)all are classified as dietary supplement
C)all are classified as dietary supplement
D)all are classified as dietary supplement
E)all are classified as dietary supplement
F)correct answer

An ergogenic aid is something that primarily is
A)added to a food to increase its nutrient value
B)designed to increase potential for work output, such as in sport
C)used to restore nutrients removed in processing
D)a legal term used by the FDA to designate nutritional supplements that may enhance health status
E)a device used to facilitate the measurement of energy in food

Sound nutritional research involving exercise performance is best performed using placebo controls, cross-over designs, and double-blinded use of nutritional ergogenics. In which of the following publications would you be least likely to find such a study?
A)International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism
B)Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
C)Journal of the American Dietetics Association
D)Muscle and Fitness
E)Journal of Applied Physiology

In the Physical Activity Pyramid, which of the following forms the apex (top) and should be most limited?
A)aerobic exercise lasting 20-60 minutes
B)low-intensity, unstructured physical activity
C)resistance (strength) training
D)physical inactivity such as television viewing and computer games
E)flexibility exercises

Which of the following is not a potential benefit of physical activity?
A)reduced levels of depression and anxiety
B)improved control of body weight and body fatness
C)reduced risk of developing diabetes
D)prevention of skin cancer
E)reduced risk of osteoporosis, or frail bones

Which of the following groups of athletes may be susceptible to a nutrient deficiency due to inadequate or sporadic caloric intake?
A)gymnasts and ballet dancers
B)endurance athletes attempting to improve efficiency through weight loss
C)wrestlers attempting to make a low weight class
D)bodybuilders trying to attain a low body fat percentage
E)all of these groups may be susceptible to a nutrient deficiency

Which of the following is not a usual recommendation made to athletes to improve their nutritional practices and performance?
A)obtain adequate amounts of carbohydrates daily for proper restoration of muscle glycogen between workouts
B)include amino acid and herbal protein supplements daily in addition to their normal dietary protein
C)choose a precompetition meal that will empty from the stomach relatively quickly to help prevent gastrointestinal distress during competition
D)replace all foods lost through sweat for proper hydration
E)maintain an adequate intake of calcium and iron through proper food choices, or take a supplement if necessary

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