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Standard & Poor's Questions
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  1. The differences between commercial banks and savings and loans have been narrowing in recent years, with regulations becoming increasingly uniform and product offerings becoming increasingly similar.
    a. Visit S&P's Market Insight database at and find the annual balance sheets for three of the nation's largest commercial banks and two of the nation's largest S&Ls listed in this chapter. Look under "Excel Analytics."

    b. For each bank and S&L, compute the ratios of "Commercial Loans" to "Loans/Claims/Advances-Customers-Total" and "Mortgages" to "Loans/Claims/Advances-Customers-Total." These ratios indicate what shares of the firms' total loan portfolios are made up of C&I and real estate loans, respectively.

    c. Compute the same ratios as in part (b), but for the three commercial banks combined and the two S&Ls combined.

    d. What choices have these individual firms made in terms of market focus? Is there a difference in market focus between the commercial banks and the S&Ls?

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