The fifth edition of Silberschatz, Korth, and Sudarshan’s Database System Concepts offers the reader everything necessary for a thorough understanding of database systems. The authors explain the fundamental concepts of database management with the thoroughness and attention to detail that users of this classic text have come to expect. Database query languages, schema design, database application development, database internals, data analysis and database architectures all receive full consideration. The book is appropriate as a textbook for introductory as well as advanced courses, and as a reference for practitioners.
The fifth edition of Database System Concepts retains the overall style of prior editions while evolving the content and organization to reflect the changes that are occurring in the way databases are designed, managed, and used. Some of the highlights of this new edition include:
• New chapter organization, featuring earlier coverage of SQL
• Extended coverage of SQL including SQL:2003
• A new Part devoted to database design, with extended coverage of normalization and temporal data
• Expanded coverage of application design and development
• Expanded and updated coverage of XML
• Detailed coverage of database internals and architectures
• Chapters on data mining and analysis and information retrieval
• Case studies covering the latest versions of IBM DB2, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and (new to this edition) PostgreSQL
• Emphasis on practical issues, applications and implementation, coupled with intuitive coverage of key theoretical concepts
• A Web page ( featuring
• Online solutions for Practice Exercises
• Detailed slides for all chapters
• Teaching supplements and online appendices |