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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The NLRB was created by which legislation?
A)Landrum-Griffin Act
B)Taft-Hartley Act
C)Clayton Act
D)Wagner Act
Titan Industries only wants to hire union members to avoid labor conflict. This action creates a _____.
A)union shop
B)agency shop
C)closed shop
D)management shop
Right-to-work laws are _____.
A)federal laws outlawing the closed shop
B)federal laws outlawing the union shop
C)state laws outlawing the closed shop
D)state laws outlawing the union shop
Big Union refuses to work on products made by nonunion employees. This action is a _____.
A)secondary boycott
B)lawful bargaining tactic
C)violation of a union shop agreement
D)feather bedding tactic
Big Union pays a member $15,000 to work on the organization campaign at Small Co. Big Union _____.
A)has no responsibility to report his payment
B)must report this payment
C)has not responsibility to report this payment if it only covers travel, meals, or lodging
D)must report his payment if it is made in a lump sum
The NLRB consists of _____ members.
The Supreme Court allowed injunctions to stop labor strikes _____.
A)only if the objective of the strike were unlawful
B)only if the strike were conducted in an unlawful manner
C)if the objective of the strike were unlawful or if the strike were conducted in an unlawful manner
D)whenever a court determined the strike to be unreasonable
Big Company tells employees that it will "be forced to transfer their work to independent contractors" if the employees vote for a union. This statement is _____.
A)lawful free speech
B)an unlawful threat
C)a lawful management decision
D)a lawful statement of opinion
A bargaining unit _____.
A)may consist of individual employees of Big Co
B)is a group of employees for collective bargaining
C)must have at least fifty employees grouped for collective bargaining
D)does not have to bargain collectively
A union must _____.
A)give notice of an intention to strike
B)not strike for more than eighty days
C)not strike if the strike would affect interstate commerce
D)give a fixed list of demands before striking

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